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5 Jan 2021, 7:34 am by John Hochfelder
In her ensuing lawsuit, Christine recovered the insurance policy limits of $500,000 against the other driver and owner. [read post]
14 Sep 2010, 7:43 pm by Jeralyn
Christine O'Donnell wins in Delaware. [read post]
22 Apr 2012, 5:16 am by Thaddeus Mason Pope, J.D., Ph.D.
Several weeks after being declared dead as the result of a burst brain aneurysm, Michigan resident Christine Bolden delivered (at 25-weeks) twin boys Alexander and Nicholas by Cesarean. [read post]
8 Sep 2012, 3:38 am by legalinformatics
Christine Kirchberger, LL.M., M.S.L.I.T. and Pam Storr, LL.M., both of the Swedish Law and Informatics Research Institute (IRI), have posted Law as an App: Technology in Legal Education, at VoxPopuLII. [read post]
5 Jan 2011, 4:04 am by Walter Olson
Notables including Alan Morrison, Richard Epstein, Kathleen Sullivan sign amicus brief urging court review of multistate tobacco settlement [Daniel Fisher/Forbes, Christine Hall/CEI, Todd Zywicki] “Congress rediscovers the Constitution” [Roger Pilon, WSJ] Chief Justice John Roberts Jr. profiled [Roger Parloff, Fortune] When outside investors stake divorce litigants: yes, there are legal ethics angles [Christine Hurt] Mexico, long noted for strict gun control laws,… [read post]
14 Oct 2010, 8:41 am by
First there was the original ad that started it all Then the Saturday Night Live parody version, And then it all went very viral, very fast: The inevitable Monty Python treatment The Wizard of Oz version The Barbie Doll/Harry Potter version A post-modern cat does his bit The space alien version Christine O'Donnell, The Musical The Nixon angle And a silly chaser [read post]
 Contact the Law Office of Christine M Bechtold, LLC today to schedule your free initial consultation. 770-466-2700 www.Bechtold-Law.comContact the Law Office of Christine M Bechtold, LLC today to schedule your free initial consultation. [read post]
 Contact the Law Office of Christine M Bechtold, LLC today to schedule your free initial consultation. 770-466-2700 www.Bechtold-Law.comContact the Law Office of Christine M Bechtold, LLC today to schedule your free initial consultation. [read post]
Contact the office today to schedule your free initial consultation Christine@Bechtold-Law.comand to discuss your family law case.Contact the Law Office of Christine M Bechtold, LLC today to schedule your free initial consultation. [read post]
Contact the office today to schedule your free initial consultation Christine@Bechtold-Law.comand to discuss your family law case.Contact the Law Office of Christine M Bechtold, LLC today to schedule your free initial consultation. [read post]
 Contact the Law Office of Christine M Bechtold, LLC today to schedule your free initial consultation. 770-466-2700 www.Bechtold-Law.comContact the Law Office of Christine M Bechtold, LLC today to schedule your free initial consultation. [read post]
 Contact the Law Office of Christine M Bechtold, LLC today to schedule your free initial consultation. 770-466-2700 www.Bechtold-Law.comContact the Law Office of Christine M Bechtold, LLC today to schedule your free initial consultation. [read post]
17 Jan 2018, 3:30 am by Francesca Bartlett
Christine Parker, Suzanne Le Mire and Anita Mackay, Lawyers, Confidentiality and Whistleblowing: Lessons from the McCabe Tobacco Litigation, 40 Melb U. [read post]