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10 Dec 2010, 8:46 am
We're big fans of social media here at 3 Geeks… blogging, twittering, LinkedIn'ing… all of that. [read post]
17 May 2011, 11:15 am by Elie Mystal
We’ve got Judge Joe Brown, Judge Judy, Judge Greg Mathis, Judge Hatchett, and Judge Lynn Toler (Divorce Court). [read post]
21 Jan 2019, 5:00 am
We see it in the tabloids whenever we’re in line at local grocery stores or othis places with magazine stands. [read post]
29 Jul 2008, 6:04 pm
. * * * Milliner concedes that he moved from the home he shared with his wife in late July, and he admits he did not re-register as a sex offender within seven days. [read post]
28 Apr 2017, 8:59 am by John-Paul Boyd
Since we’re here, why is having two trial courts with incompletely overlapping subject matter competence a good idea? [read post]
22 Nov 2010, 3:54 pm by Elie Mystal
But every now and again you run into somebody who thinks that doing all the right things will make you “equal” in the eyes of whatever white person can make your life hell in an instant — that law professor, managing partner, rich client you’re trying to land, or police officer. [read post]
6 Dec 2009, 12:34 pm by Jeff Gamso
Brown (admittedly a plurality opinion, but everyone accepts it). [read post]
19 Nov 2009, 11:51 am
A ruling changing this “could be the Brown v. [read post]
29 Jun 2012, 5:26 am by Russ Bensing
  (For the same reason that Earl Warren authored the opinion in Brown v. [read post]
18 Apr 2023, 2:01 pm by Amy Howe
Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson seemed to suggest not only that this was a question better left for Congress, but also that there were good reasons why the court shouldn’t overturn Hardison. [read post]
6 Jan 2015, 7:14 am by Venkat Balasubramani
Craftily Teacher’s Semi-Racy Facebook Photo Doesn’t Justify Firing – In re Laraine Cook Do Employers Really Tread a Minefield When Firing Employees for Facebook Gaffes? [read post]
3 Aug 2007, 12:35 pm
  Gammett, who now has the backing of various organizations in this lawsuit, obtained the services of two experts, doctors experienced with GID issues, George Brown and Denise Taylor, both MD's. [read post]
11 Jan 2020, 1:37 pm by John Floyd
And if that’s your test—whether the evidence is guilt is strong, so the prosecutor can do anything he wants—you’re throwing the constitution out the window. [read post]
10 Jan 2025, 9:00 am by AccelerateEditor
Sarah Brown Charlie Hepworth provided excellent legal services to my husband and I. [read post]