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6 Jul 2013, 5:04 pm by Larry Catá Backer
(Pix from Great Seal of the United States, State Symbols USA) For American Independence Day I started considering the essence of American ideology. [read post]
30 Aug 2023, 10:57 am by Unknown
Oracle America  and Andy Warhol Foundation v. [read post]
22 Jul 2015, 2:18 pm by Rebecca Tushnet
 Ambiguity between how much of the discourse in A2K is targeted at patent v. copyright. [read post]
3 Jan 2023, 6:30 am by Guest Blogger
This post was prepared for a roundtable on Federation and Secession, convened as part of LevinsonFest 2022—a year-long series gathering scholars from diverse disciplines and viewpoints to reflect on Sandy Levinson’s influential work in constitutional law. [read post]
12 Sep 2013, 4:52 pm by Marco Rossi
It is aimed at harmonizing the private international laws of the contracting states relating to trusts; provides that each contracting state recognizes the existence and validity of trusts created by a written trust instrument; sets out the general characteristics of a trust and establishes rules for determining the governing law of trusts with cross-border elements. [read post]
17 Feb 2010, 4:34 pm by Howard Knopf
This is potentially a cost of $6.5 million a year for Canadian taxpayers, which seems absurd in view of the Supreme Court of Canada's CCH v. [read post]
27 Jan 2012, 1:30 am by Monique Altheim
Reding's press conf. on EU #Dataprotection Reform package livestreamed today at 12pm GMT+1 here: #privacy #CPDP2012 # Watch Vivian Reding's Press Conference at the European Commission live here as I will try to live stream it at… # Megaupload takedown reminds us why website terms and conditions can be important # V. [read post]
10 Mar 2013, 6:59 pm by Bruce Boyden
But relatively few US companies have done this; essentially only companies engaging in cross-border information transactions with partners located in Europe. [read post]
5 Jul 2007, 7:12 am
Frye, The Peculiar Story of United States v. [read post]
15 Jun 2012, 6:37 am by Sean Patrick Donlan
Extremely reluctant to be constrained within defined borders, so much that Anthony Giddens defines it as a 'term that we use frequently but which is poorly conceptualized'[i], globalization can be decomposed in a plurality of sub-processes, everyone involving and influencing different aspects of life. [read post]
11 Jan 2019, 8:16 am by Bruce Zagaris and Zarine Kharazian
Plachta reported on the ECtHR decision in Krombach/Bamerski and the ECtHR Grand Chamber’s decision (Nait-Liman v. [read post]