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15 Apr 2011, 10:34 am by Josh Wright
  We are left to infer from the fact that legal scholars have frequently cited two important articles in the behavioral law and economics canon (the 1998 article A Behavioral Approach to Law and Economics by Christine Jolls, Cass Sunstein and Richard Thaler and Law and Behavioral Science: Removing the Rationality Assumption from Law and Economics by Korobkin and Tom Ulen) that the behavioral approach has not only claimed victory in the marketplace for ideas but so decimated… [read post]
24 Jul 2017, 11:09 am by Robert Brammer
This is a guest post by Tammie Nelson, project manager for [read post]
24 Sep 2021, 8:43 am by Arturo Jara
She must decide whether to continue supporting her husband, in addition to battling envy, intrigue, and scandal to protect her family.Cast: Julianna Marguiles, Matt Czuchry, Christine Baranski, and Makenzie Vega.Genre: DramaNetwork: CBSSeasons: 7 Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law Plot: Harvey Birdman abandoned his life as a superhero to begin anew as a lawyer fighting crime and seeking justice with Sebben and Sebben. [read post]
16 Mar 2011, 6:26 am by Rob Robinson
ICE - (Ralph Losey) Mobile Devices Fair Game for Police Searches in California - (Jeffrey Hayden) New Jersey Breach Brings Data Privacy Practices into Question - (Lora Bentley) New Rules: Social Media and Electronic Evidence - (Peter Vogel) Predictive Coding Explained - (Craig Carpenter) Putting ESI on the Map - (Carrie Mallen) Resurrecting… [read post]
17 Apr 2014, 4:00 am by Simon Fodden
[2] See: Christine Taylor, (technology industry consultant) “A call to vendors to make e-discovery affordable for ‘The Other 85 Percent’”; online: [read post]
13 Jan 2017, 6:45 am by Jim Sedor
From the States and Municipalities: California – How This Former Aspiring Screenwriter Became One of California’s Campaign Finance Experts After Losing His Day Job Los Angeles Times – Christine Mai-Duc | Published: 1/9/2017 Three years ago, Rob Pyers was as far away from politics as one could imagine: a college dropout who had been laid off from his job, binge-watching Netflix to pass the time. [read post]
19 Feb 2023, 4:00 am by SOQUIJ
.), MontréalDécision de : Juges Guy Gagnon, Benoît Moore et Christine BaudouinDate : 1er février 2023 Résumé PÉNAL (DROIT) — procédure pénale — procédure fédérale — appel — procès devant un juge seul — meurtre au second degré — refus de la poursuite — procès devant jury — article 473 C.Cr. [read post]
Ignoring the reasons for mistakes and misjudgments that might then be seen as process abuse denies the reality of the stress and frustration experienced by many SRLs, as Drew Yewchuk and Christine Laing point out. [read post]
26 Oct 2011, 6:26 am by Rob Robinson
Malpractice Lawyer’s Blog Post Draws Defamation Suit - (Mary Pat Gallagher) Poll Results for eDiscovery Market – (Charles Skamser) Potential Taxation of eDiscovery Costs Could Alter Discovery Paradigm – (Philip Yanella) Producing Excel Spreadsheets as Tiffs - (Josh Gilliland) Read All Over: Two New Opinions Describe Need to Keep Email from the Wrong Hands – (James Podgers)… [read post]
15 Mar 2008, 3:44 am
Attorneys, offenders debate Colorado's use of 'sexually violent predator' designation3-8-2008 Coloado:Longmont resident Dwight Jackson says the term "sexually violent predator" conjures up images of a 50-year-old man hiding behind a bush and snatching up 4- and 5-year-old children -- not his 22-year-old son.What is a sexually violent predator? [read post]
22 Jun 2018, 7:46 am by Jim Sedor
Christine Porath, a Georgetown University professor and author of “Mastering Civility,” said the current harsh climate was affecting people beyond politics, injecting itself into everyday life at home and work. [read post]
4 May 2021, 9:46 am by INFORRM
‘The worst kind of bloated quango’: Dacre on Ofcom For example, back in 2011, the Mail worked itself up to fever pitch over Ofcom’s refusal to censure an episode of ITV’s The X Factor broadcast the previous December which featured raunchy numbers involving Rihanna and Christine Aguilera. [read post]
23 Jan 2022, 4:00 am by SOQUIJ
.), MontréalDécision de : Juges Jean Bouchard, Sophie Lavallée et Christine BaudouinDate : 22 décembre 2021 Résumé PÉNAL (DROIT) — procédure pénale — procédure fédérale — appel — déclaration de culpabilité — droit à l’assistance d’un avocat — assistance inadéquate de l’avocat — déclaration sous serment… [read post]
5 Oct 2011, 3:28 am by Legal Beagle
BBC News and other media sites are reporting the arrest of a senior Police Officer from Lothian & Borders Police, Chief Inspector Allison Strachan, who is charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice and four counts of breaching data protection laws.Chief Inspector Allison Strachan has appeared in newspaper reports before in connection with her now former lover, ex Lothian & Borders Police Chief Superintendent Douglas Watson who after his own retirement, moved into the field of… [read post]
8 Jun 2012, 5:00 am by Josh Sturtevant
Though as a fan of many sports, not least among them football, I appreciate Margalit’s analysis and conclusions, as a pragmatist and an amateur economist, I cannot ultimately agree with them. [read post]
20 Dec 2019, 1:08 pm by Richard Thompson Ford
As for the hapless Christine Blasey Ford’s calm and careful testimony: She had brought an academic seminar butter knife to a rage-fueled gunfight. [read post]