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16 Dec 2022, 8:59 am by Eugene Volokh
Congratulations to Katherine Bolger (Davis Wright Tremaine LLP), who represents the magazine. [read post]
These should indicate who will conduct the risk analysis, how often, and what types of new risks or events will trigger a new one, according to Adam Greene, an attorney with Davis Wright Tremaine LLP. [read post]
20 Feb 2010, 1:09 pm by Justin Walsh
From 1942 1946 he was a member of the Seattle Law firm, Falknor, Emory and Howe which later became Davis, Wright, Tremaine. [read post]
5 Oct 2023, 12:32 pm by Eric Fruits
For example, attorneys at Davis Wright Tremaine say the proposed new rules are “effectively identical” to the Open Internet Order. [read post]
17 Jul 2018, 10:15 am by Ken White
The Los Angeles Times' attorney, Kelli Sager of Davis Wright Tremaine, was fuming during all of this. [read post]
17 Sep 2020, 12:34 pm by Aaron Mackey
EFF, together with Daphne Keller at the Stanford Cyber Law Center, as well as lawyers from Davis Wright Tremaine and Walters Law Group, represent the plaintiffs. [read post]
8 May 2009, 12:45 pm
Chadbourne & Parke - January 2010 Cooley Godward Kronish - January 4, 2010. ($25,000 stipend, including bar stipend) Covington & Burling - Any Monday after the bar exam Cravath - October 2009, November 2009 or January 2010 Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle - October 19, 2009 Davis Polk - September 14, October 19, or November 16, 2009 Davis Wright Tremaine [read post]
29 Apr 2009, 10:12 am
Chadbourne & Parke - January 2010 Cooley Godward Kronish - January 4, 2010. ($25,000 stipend, including bar stipend) Covington & Burling - Any Monday after the bar exam Cravath - October 2009, November 2009 or January 2010 Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle - October 19, 2009 Davis Polk - September 14, October 19, or November 16, 2009 Davis Wright Tremaine - January 2010 ($7,500 stipend) Debevoise - 2009, baby! [read post]
15 May 2018, 10:58 am by Dennis Crouch
Louis, MO Davis Wright Tremaine LLP — Jonathan Tolstedt — Seattle, WA Dentons US LLP — Roman Tsibulevskiy — Washington, DC DLA Piper LLP — Tim Lohse — East Palo Alto, CA DLA Piper LLP — Jeff Clark, MD — Boston, MA Duane Morris — Joaquin Hernandez — Boca Raton, FL Edam Law PLLC — Edmar M. [read post]
4 May 2015, 1:36 pm by Bob Corn-Revere
Robert Corn-Revere is a partner at Davis Wright Tremaine LLP, where he practices First Amendment law. [read post]
25 Jun 2012, 4:30 am by Nick Farr
CB:   The CBLDF has – our outside general counsel is Bob Corn Revere of Davis, Wright, Tremaine who’s an extremely experienced First Amendment litigator and who manages the case work that comes in. [read post]
1 Aug 2017, 8:59 am by Wystan Ackerman
Baker (Stephen Rummage of Davis Wright Tremaine) In this case, the Supreme Court held that plaintiffs could not appeal a decision striking class allegations by stipulating to a voluntarily dismissal of the case in a stipulation that purported to reserve their right to appeal, with the defendant disputing that there was any such right (see my June 13 blog post for a summary of this decision). [read post]
1 Aug 2017, 8:59 am by Wystan Ackerman
Baker (Stephen Rummage of Davis Wright Tremaine) In this case, the Supreme Court held that plaintiffs could not appeal a decision striking class allegations by stipulating to a voluntarily dismissal of the case in a stipulation that purported to reserve their right to appeal, with the defendant disputing that there was any such right (see my June 13 blog post for a summary of this decision). [read post]
17 May 2010, 5:09 am by Broc Romanek
Joe Wallin of Davis Wright Tremaine reports that Senators Bond, Warner, Brown and Cantwell have proposed an amendment (#4037) to the Dodd bill that would: - Remove the ridiculous and industry killing 120-day wait period - Remove the "go back in time" provision, which would have re-adjusted the accredited investor financial thresholds in a way that would have wiped out 2/3rds of existing angel investors qualifying as "accredited investors" - Exclude… [read post]
8 Jul 2020, 2:04 pm by Gene Takagi
This qualified disaster exception relies upon the following requirements (many of which are duplicative of the general requirements applicable to all public charities): the fund serves the single identified purpose of providing relief from one or more qualified disasters,the fund serves a charitable class,recipients of grants are selected based upon an objective determination of need,the selection of recipients of grants is made using either an independent selection committee or adequate… [read post]
14 Oct 2020, 9:40 am by Dale Ho
2020 has been an unprecedented year in many ways; a pandemic during a presidential election being one of them. [read post]
2 Dec 2008, 9:00 pm
Davis Wright Tremaine Blog-Proud No problem finding the blogs here. [read post]
11 May 2023, 9:26 am by Ann O'Brien and Lindsey Collins
Fundakowski, Allison Davis, Yonaton Rosenzweig, and Kaley Fendall, “DOJ and FTC Step Up Scrutiny of Interlocking Directorates,” Davis Wright Tremaine LLP, (Dec. 6, 2022) available at [read post]