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24 Aug 2022, 3:20 am by David Lynn
Stakeholders may also consider other Spotlights as reference points for relevant discussions, including our June 2022 Spotlight: “Staff Overview for Planned 2022 Inspections. [read post]
23 May 2021, 2:17 pm by Tom Smith
What it didn’t tell you was exactly why they got sick,” he said, referring to the researchers. [read post]
4 Nov 2018, 6:43 am by Florian Mueller
In connection with the staff, "public interest" basically means to file third-party pleadings in order to increase the likelihood of a correct decision (ALJs adopt many, but by far not all, staff recommendations). [read post]
2 Mar 2016, 8:47 am by John Jascob
The statement refers to the pay of company CEOs which increased while the value of the company’s stock declined. [read post]
15 Jan 2015, 11:49 am by John Jascob
SunTrust sought to omit the proposal on the basis that it was too vague or that it related to the bank’s ordinary business, but the staff disagreed on both counts. [read post]
1 Dec 2023, 8:33 am by Jon Brodkin
" Yaccarino was referring to Musk's on-stage interview at The New York Times' DealBook Summit on Wednesday. [read post]
13 Jun 2017, 3:00 am by John Jenkins
Like most of what is referred to – apparently without irony – as “accounting literature,” the definition of the term “critical audit matters” seems dull & lifeless. [read post]
10 Jul 2024, 7:13 am by Daniel J. Gilman
In a bright yellow box on the cover page, in bold print, we are warned that “This material is for reference only. [read post]
28 Feb 2018, 9:25 am by Lebowitz & Mzhen
For example, evidence that may support a claim could include resident records that reference the incident, employee schedules, training manuals, a failure to maintain records, residents’ statements, and photographs. [read post]
14 Apr 2024, 7:15 am by Yosi Yahoudai
The SFDSA acknowledged the recent assaults, referring to them as “prisoner fights” becoming more evident amid staffing shortages in San Francisco’s jails. [read post]
16 Mar 2009, 5:02 pm
  Physician-owned hospitals may also consider amending their (i) medical staff bylaws, (ii) conflict of interest policies, and (iii) medical staff membership and privileging applications and renewal forms to require each physician who is a member of the medical staff, or who is applying for medical staff membership or admitting privileges, to give referred patients written disclosure of the ownership or investment interest in the hospital held… [read post]
13 Dec 2016, 6:18 am by John Jascob
Inspections of international audits will include referred work, Munter advised. [read post]
23 Mar 2020, 9:10 am by Eric Yap
BLS librarians and staff are continuing to provide library services remotely. [read post]
31 Oct 2016, 12:45 pm by Frank C. Morris, Jr.
The suit focuses on claims that nurses and other staff repeatedly used feminine pronouns in referring to Kyler despite assertions in the court pleadings of multiple calls by his mother to the hospital to explain his distress at this alleged conduct. [read post]
2 Dec 2007, 12:52 am
And is the "drill" (not much of a drill, really) that Gann refers to as "55-5" still used at TYC, and if so what is it's purpose? [read post]
3 Jun 2014, 10:16 am by Epstein Becker Green
Like hosts and hostesses in restaurants, the staffs at the reception desks at hotels, spas and other institutions typically are standing while greeting and assisting customers. [read post]
28 May 2020, 1:10 pm by Sabrina I. Pacifici
., faculty, staff, and administrators) and slow the spread of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). [read post]
18 Sep 2008, 8:12 am
And a couple other variations library reference staff hear a lot:Is it Lawful to Record Someone Without their Knowledge? [read post]