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20 Sep 2017, 9:34 pm by Bernie Burk
  For we few, we happy few, we band of brothers and sisters who discern and chronicle the mysterious ways that legal ethics frames and forms professional habits and behaviors, this is a dark fable whose moral has yet to be revealed. [read post]
22 Dec 2010, 10:22 pm by legalinformatics
Abstract: This essay reads the public controversy surrounding Sonja Sotomayor’s nomination and confirmation to Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. [read post]
12 Jul 2017, 3:50 am by Kevin LaCroix
 Ransomware attacks have grown almost exponentially for several reasons: The ransomware business model works, with the FBI stating that ransomware is on pace to become a one billion dollar source of income for cybercriminals in 2017;  Ransomware start-up costs are cheap. [read post]
30 Apr 2021, 6:45 pm
  This post includes that intiial address in the original Spanish with a crude English translation, along with brief reflections on the state of Caribbean Marxism (considered in more detail here) in Cuba and its potential future course. [read post]
9 Aug 2019, 7:47 am by Chris Attig
Senior Judge Hagel of the US Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims – an Article I Federal Appellate Court – compares attorneys to greedy bottom-feeders in his dissenting poem in Young v. [read post]
22 Mar 2011, 9:14 pm by Jeff Gamso
  Naturally, she sued the railroad.The issue in Palsgraf v. [read post]
20 Apr 2010, 2:37 pm by Adam Thierer
A wrap-up essay will then focus on some potentially constructive policy reforms that could assist media enterprises without a massive infusion of state support or regulation of the press. [read post]
12 Mar 2010, 2:08 pm by UChicagoLaw
  And we all know that, as Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote in Schenk v. [read post]
10 Jul 2020, 4:00 am by Malcolm Mercer
These are real risks which have to be weighed against the benefits of self-regulation including independence from the state and the application of valuable expertise and experience to the realities of practice. [read post]
27 Jan 2007, 7:17 am
Moreover, is it healthy or moral to deceive the child? [read post]
9 Aug 2019, 7:47 am by Chris Attig
Senior Judge Hagel of the US Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims – an Article I Federal Appellate Court – compares attorneys to greedy bottom-feeders in his dissenting poem in Young v. [read post]
10 Sep 2021, 8:26 am
  One has seen how that is now being developed using the mechanisms of private law in OECD Specific Instance applications against enterprises ealleged to have breached their responsibility (markets driven private law based) and to that extent extra legal as a function of domestic legal orders) through acts of complicity in fragile states, conflict zones, or in cooperating with states whose own views of human rights ans sustainability are incompatible with those of the home… [read post]
13 Apr 2016, 4:55 pm by Kevin LaCroix
  And besides the more predictable workflow, a law firm is exposed to other even more intangible costs as well, including temporary or even permanent reputational and brand damage; loss of productivity; extended management drag; and a negative impact on employee morale and overall law firm performance. [read post]
30 Apr 2011, 2:40 pm by familoo
” and in which Carl notes the strong criticism of Mr Hemming by Wall LJ in RP v Nottingham (this is a blog post on which I commented at the time). [read post]
14 Dec 2005, 3:40 pm
United States", 383 U.S. 541, 1966)".Hay otras cosas interesantes que dice la Corte sobre derecho penal, en las que trasciende el tema puntual de la punición a menores.El concepto de peligrosidad: "no corresponde a la competencia de esta Corte interpretar el alcance específico de la expresión "peligrosidad" contenida en el art. 41 del Código Penal. [read post]