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4 Dec 2023, 7:41 am by CMS
In this post, Phil Woodfield and Elizabeth Lombardo of CMS comment on the Supreme Court’s decision in Canada Square Operations Ltd v Potter [2023] UKSC 41, which was handed down on 15 November 2023. [read post]
11 Nov 2016, 5:12 am by SHG
The opening paragraph of Judge Eugene Pigott’s opinion in People v. [read post]
4 May 2023, 3:49 am by SHG
Back when Chief Justice John Roberts questioned how diversity would contribute an educational benefit to physics during oral argument in Fisher v. [read post]
31 May 2010, 6:54 pm by Vincent LoTempio
People often come to me with an idea of how some type of machine might help solve a problem. [read post]
8 Nov 2017, 5:15 am by Hon. Richard G. Kopf
If you want to know how it feels to have the FBI conduct a full-field background check on you (and I have suffered through two of them), see here. [read post]
29 Feb 2016, 4:59 am
Although she is aware the posts are public, and she has around 100 people who follow her, she testified she did not consider the potential impact on S.G. . . .For nearly a full day after these tweets, there was no reaction. [read post]