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30 Sep 2015, 3:12 pm
And The Associated Press reports that "Governor halts execution for Oklahoma inmate. [read post]
16 Jul 2014, 12:22 pm
[JURIST] A nurse at the Guantanamo detention center [JURIST backgrounder] has refused to participate in the force feeding [press release] of hunger striking inmates, UK human rights group Reprieve [advocacy website] reported Tuesday. [read post]
18 Oct 2011, 12:45 pm
On the committee’s agenda Kidnap Offender Registry Amendments Sex Offender Registry Chapter Civil Commitment Amendments Forensic Commitment Amendments Housing State Inmates in County Jails Child Support Advisory Guidelines Committee Report Drug Offender Reform Act (DORA) DUI Report [read post]
8 Sep 2005, 11:34 am
s request, I have issued a warrant of reprieve for inmate John Spirko, delaying his execution date to November 15,... [read post]
18 Sep 2009, 6:01 pm
Matthew Cate isn't donning contempt-able jail garb yet, but the state corrections secretary confirmed this afternoon that the governor's prison plan won't exactly comply with a three-judge panel's order to reduce the inmate population by 40,000 over two years. [read post]
24 Jun 2008, 2:42 pm
And The Los Angeles Times reports today that "Court rules for Guantanamo inmate; Huzaifa Parhat, a Uighur Muslim, must be released, transferred or given a new hearing, a federal appeals court rules; It's another setback for the Bush administration. [read post]
6 Mar 2023, 12:35 pm
— Death row inmate seeks appeal after having to represent himself at trial. [read post]
23 Jan 2010, 8:20 am
Effective Monday, January 25, 2010, the new law providing early release for non-violent criminals will allow approximately 6,500 inmates to be set free. [read post]
24 Sep 2009, 11:31 pm
Since the development opened eight months ago, the minister who runs it has recruited former inmates by distributing brochures in Florida prisons and plugging it in sermons at the lockups. [read post]
20 Feb 2010, 10:07 am
— Equipment that jams cell phones will get its first federally sanctioned test inside a prison in Maryland this week, as state officials try to show Congress how the technology can prevent inmates from using the contraband devices to commit crimes, a governor's spokesman said Tuesday.The state wants to show the equipment can be used without interfering with [read post]
11 Sep 2011, 7:16 am
NY Times FORTY years ago today, more than 1,000 inmates at Attica Correctional Facility began a major civil and human rights protest — an uprising that is barely mentioned in textbooks but nevertheless was one of the most important rebellions in American history. [read post]
16 Dec 2015, 12:16 pm
Under the terms of the agreement, New York will reduce the number of inmates held in solitary confinement, reduce the maximum length of solitary confinement in most cases, and improve living conditions. [read post]
13 Nov 2009, 2:22 am
The new plan includes revisions made possible because of legislative enactments, including summary parole for lower-level offenses to reduce the amount of inmates re-entering the prison system for [read post]
17 Apr 2009, 6:20 am
"Judge signs off on San Quentin improvements": Today in The San Francisco Chronicle, Bob Egelko has an article that begins, "A federal judge has ended nearly three decades of supervision over conditions on Death Row at San Quentin State Prison after authorities made court-ordered improvements ranging from giving inmates more legal help and exercise time to getting rid of rodents and bird droppings. [read post]
21 Feb 2020, 3:40 pm
In response to those pressures, New Jersey has become the leader in a national effort to save money by redirecting inmates to privately run halfway houses instead of prisons. [read post]
2 Aug 2020, 5:45 pm
Four inmates escaped from the facility in 2019, while other prisoners and their family members have complained of regular mistreatment. [read post]
4 Nov 2008, 7:04 pm
The recent execution of Gregory Wright in Texas reminds us that possible innocence will not always shield an inmate from the death chamber. [read post]
24 Aug 2008, 2:32 pm
" Here are excerpts:Just a few mouse clicks into the forbidden world of Internet child porn can transform an apparently upstanding individual into a federal prison inmate â€â [read post]
2 Sep 2008, 9:20 pm
'Stupid' jail escape bid foiledAn inmate's bid to escape by digging a hole through the wall of his prison cell has earned him a further eight months in jail.When I was caught with a similar sized hole in the back wall of my cell in Wakefield Prison, I told the authorities that I was building a fireplace... [read post]
30 Sep 2010, 10:58 pm
Military death row inmate Ronald Gray’s habeas case has been briefed and pending in the U.S. [read post]