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25 Feb 2025, 9:05 pm by Hugh Rennie
Sepper states that Dale was the first time the Court recognized that an organization’s right to expressive association outweighed a state’s interests in equality and antidiscrimination laws. [read post]
15 Aug 2013, 1:54 am by Florian Mueller
With all that's going on, I obviously can't do a new blog post every time someone moves or meets, but some developments are more interesting than others.This post discusses the latest news relating to each California Apple v. [read post]
3 Feb 2011, 2:23 pm by Eric
This distinction helps explain both the unfavorable cases enumerated below plus a few of the favorable cases (such as the Wong, Gilbert and Wolk cases). [read post]
22 Oct 2013, 11:28 am by Maya Angenot
In the United States, where dog fighting was the subject of much media attention in the past few years following football player Michael Vick’s conviction, all fifty states have laws prohibiting dog fighting. [read post]
19 Oct 2015, 3:27 am by Peter Mahler
His authority to make employment decisions in the best interest of the company should be recognized. [read post]
23 May 2017, 1:22 pm by Florian Mueller
One thing I do find interesting is that WilmerHale's Seth Waxman, the Solicitor General of the United States during President Clinton's second term and The American Lawyer's 2016 Intellectual Property Litigation Lawyer of the Year, is on the brief. [read post]
1 Apr 2007, 9:00 pm
 On March 19, 2007, the United States Supreme Court heard this "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" case, formally known as  Morse v. [read post]