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The Ninth Circuit clarified that the first sale doctrine was not meant to be limited to purchasers who do no more than stock, display, and resell a producer’s product. [read post]
22 Feb 2021, 10:00 pm
On February 3, 2021, the House of Representatives and the Senate of Virginia passed the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (VCDPA). [read post]
25 Oct 2021, 12:42 pm by Tom Smith
In the end, McAuliffe’s last best hope is that the federal bureaucrats who have colonized northern Virginia will vote in large enough numbers to save him. [read post]
6 Jan 2022, 11:00 pm by Donald Dinnie
While this Ohio Appellate Court judgment found that the insured did not suffer direct physical loss or damage so as to warrant coverage, it also considered the application of the virus exclusion in the policy The exclusion reads:  “We will not pay for loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by any of the following. [read post]
27 Mar 2012, 1:00 am by SupremeCourtHaiku
“Short-swing” profits suit No limitations tolling Except rare cases Opinion:  pdf   html [read post]
4 Nov 2021, 10:00 pm
On October 26, 2021, President Biden nominated current Acting Chair of the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Jessica Rosenworcel, to serve as permanent Chairwoman of the agency for another term of office. [read post]
14 Mar 2024, 1:00 am by The Nonprofit Blogger Named Below
A civilian runs for her life during the October 7th attack on Israel We previously posted about reports that Hamas fighters have infiltrated the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). [read post]
28 Oct 2009, 10:23 am
Did all the lawyer-lawmakers who bought into free trade realize that it isn’t just manufacturing jobs they might be selling off to other countries? [read post]
26 Sep 2007, 9:52 am
I don't like the Iran president much, but, he has some very valid points here. [read post]
18 Jun 2007, 11:22 am
Music Producer Lou Pearlman, who created the Backstreet Boys and ‘N Sync is being transferred from Guam to the continental United States to face federal bankruptcy charges. [read post]
4 Nov 2021, 10:00 pm
On October 26, 2021, President Biden nominated current Acting Chair of the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Jessica Rosenworcel, to serve as permanent Chairwoman of the agency for another term of office. [read post]