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12 Jan 2011, 1:00 am by litigationtech
” on LinkedIn, posing the following options:• Tool - Must have it - all work, no play• Tool - Slightly more for work than play• Tool and/or Toy - Both about equal• Toy - Slightly more for play than work• Toy - OK for games & movies, not workThe results show that while the majority is split between tool and toy, the next group uses the iPad slightly more for work than play. [read post]
9 Mar 2007, 8:44 pm by Erin
Osborne v Canada (Treasury Board), (1991) R v Nova Scotia Pharmaceutical Society, (1992) R v Oakes, (1986) Edmonton Journal v Alberta (AG), (1989) Irwin Toy ltd v Quebec (AG), (1989) Thompson Newspapers Co v Canada, (1998) RJR MacDonald Inc v Canada (AG), (1995) R v Lucas, (1998) [read post]
24 Jun 2015, 11:30 am
 People shouldn't think that laser pointers purchased for $7 on -- which is where the present one came from -- are merely toys and are completely harmless. [read post]
9 Jan 2017, 6:01 am
She was mostly nude, and the video showed Phipps instructing her to use sex toys as well as Phipps using sex toys on her. [read post]