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6 Jan 2016, 7:56 am by Wenona T. Singel
Lorinda Riley has published “When a Tribal Entity Becomes a Nation: The Role of Politics in the Shifting Federal Recognition Regulations,” in the American Indian Law Review. [read post]
14 Mar 2007, 3:33 am
Lawrence Cunningham (Boston College Law School) has posted A Prescription to Retire the Rhetoric of "Principles-Based Systems" in Corporate Law, Securities Regulation and Accounting (Vanderbilt Law Review, Vol. 60, October-November 2007) on SSRN. [read post]
15 Jun 2010, 3:01 am by Robert Thomas (
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit will hear oral arguments in the en banc review of a takings challenge to the City of Goleta's mobile home rent control ordinance (RCO). [read post]
8 Feb 2013, 3:35 am by Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Alexis Applegate has published her note, “Tribal Authority to Zone Nonmember Fee Land Using the First Montana Exception: A Game of Checkers Tribes Can Win” (PDF), in the Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review. [read post]
30 Jul 2010, 10:57 am by Alan Ackerman
In an attempt to improve not only the electric grid, FERC is supporting and reviewing environmental impact statements for gas transmission lines. [read post]
23 May 2012, 12:55 am by Lawrence Solum
Downs (New York University (NYU) - Wilf Family Department of Politics) have posted The Democratizing Effects of Transjudicial Coordination (Utrecht Law Review, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 158-171, May 2012) on SSRN. [read post]
6 Jan 2011, 2:17 pm by Lawrence Solum
Schwarcz (University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) - School of Law and Duke University - School of Law) have posted Regulating Systemic Risk: Towards an Analytical Framework (Notre Dame Law Review, Vol. 86, No. 4, 2011) on SSRN. [read post]
9 Aug 2010, 5:28 pm by Lawrence Solum
Another unsettled issue involves any clarification as to a standard of review for Heller’s longstanding regulatory prohibitions. [read post]
26 Mar 2012, 3:12 pm
The intermediary must ensure that investors review investor-education information (as determined by SEC rules). [read post]
13 Oct 2021, 10:59 am by Bona Law PC
She frequently spoke about the need for the FTC to exhibit “regulatory humility,” a position that I have supported in the past. [read post]
4 Jul 2012, 2:15 pm by admin
While the Bureau conducted its own review of the proposed transactions, the measures contained in the OSC’s final recognition orders materially change the regulatory environment sufficient to substantially mitigate the Bureau’s competition concerns. [read post]
7 Jul 2023, 11:24 am by Alyzza Austriaco
The rule would prohibit the purchasing or selling of fake reviews; the suppression of negative reviews; and the repurposing of favorable reviews for one particular item to other listings, a practice known as “review hijacking;” as well as bar company insiders from reviewing their company’s products or services without disclosing their relationship to the company. ( CNBC ) CO, WY Teaming Up on Carbon Air Capture Wyoming Gov. [read post]
10 Aug 2020, 8:16 am by Lynn L. Bergeson and Carla N. Hutton
  The report also reviews FDA’s role in advancing the public health through its regulation of products within its jurisdiction that involve the application of nanotechnology. [read post]
21 Jul 2008, 6:45 am
Northwestern University Law Review's Colloquy site has published the first installment of Catherine Sharkey's extended "essay post" on what Riegel v. [read post]
18 Aug 2024, 3:10 pm by Ezra Rosser
It describes the regulatory and administrative challenges of obtaining good-quality data from courts. [read post]
The FCA will also consider firms’ compliance with regulatory requirements, including the financial promotions regime, as part of any application to be authorised under the future financial services regulatory regime for cryptoassets. [read post]
Drafting or Reviewing Social Media Posts Due to the regulatory issues surrounding CBD advertisements, CBD companies should include in their influencer contracts that the company has the right to review, or even write, the social media post. [read post]