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30 Nov 2007, 4:21 pm by jesse londin
Their position: "The National Space Society believes that the United States should reject the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, also known as the Law of the Sea Treaty (LoST). [read post]
9 Feb 2022, 1:16 pm by Felicia Boyd (US)
Opposer also introduced empirical evidence that a substantial portion of the United States is aware of the SPOTIFY mark. [read post]
9 Feb 2022, 1:16 pm by Felicia Boyd (US)
Opposer also introduced empirical evidence that a substantial portion of the United States is aware of the SPOTIFY mark. [read post]
19 Jul 2011, 3:31 am
United States, the Supreme Court used the words “obligation” and “debt” interchangeably. [read post]
27 May 2020, 8:29 am by John Elwood
State Bar of Wisconsin, 19-831Issue: Whether Lathrop v. [read post]
14 Jul 2024, 9:05 pm by Series of Essays
United States, the Supreme Court has expanded executive power and elevated the President above the law. [read post]
14 Aug 2009, 7:09 am
(PatLit) (Innovationpartners) (Washington State Patent Law Blog) (Patent Librarian's Notebook) (Peter Zura's 271 Patent Blog) (IP Watchdog) (Patently-O)   US Patents – Lawsuits and strategic steps Bilski - Bilski v Doll briefs (Patently-O) (Patently-O) (Inventive Step) (AwakenIP) (BlawgIT) (PatentBIOtech) Microsoft - Storing text docs in XML may run afoul of Microsoft patent (Ars Technica) Twitter – TechRadium files suit against… [read post]
21 Jan 2025, 12:42 pm by Mark Nevitt
Trump also issued an executive order titled “Clarifying the Military’s Role in Protecting the Territorial Integrity of the United States. [read post]
8 Oct 2017, 4:11 pm by INFORRM
United States Three Russians named in the Trump dossier are suing the private investigation firm Fusion GPS for libel over the handling of the dossier. [read post]
11 Oct 2017, 4:37 am by SHG
[v] The Manual would serve as an excellent policy model for state prosecutors to adopt. [read post]
4 Nov 2011, 4:06 am by Marie Louise
(Las Vegas Trademark Attorney) District Court W D Washington holds trademark infringement defendant in contempt: T-Mobile v Terry (Seattle Trademark Lawyer)   US Trade Marks & Domain Names – Lawsuits and strategic steps – District Court Arizona denies motion to dismiss on reverse domain name hijacking claim: v. [read post]
23 Aug 2017, 2:37 pm by Mark Kantor
The United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit follows the “complete arbitration rule. [read post]