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25 Aug 2011, 12:55 pm by admin
“I see clients who are absolutely paralyzed as to what to do,” Mark Matthews, a partner at Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP in Washington, D.C., and a former IRS chief of criminal investigations, said in an Aug. 2 interview. [read post]
6 Jul 2009, 8:00 am
The first quarter was marked by unprecedented layoffs seemingly on a weekly basis, then the second quarter was markedly lower. [read post]
11 Jul 2018, 2:13 pm by Staff Attorney
From May 2005 to June 2006, Destefano was registered with Morgan Stanley DW Inc. [read post]
10 Nov 2023, 6:30 am
Llewellyn, Fenwick & West LLP, on Tuesday, November 7, 2023 Tags: Board of Directors, Institutional Investors, Proxy season, Say on pay SEC Adopts Amendments to Beneficial Ownership Reporting Rules Posted by Eric Orsic, Thomas Conaghan, and Heidi Steele, McDermott Will & Emery LLP, on Wednesday, November 8, 2023 Tags: Beneficial Ownership, Exchange Act, SEC, Sections 13 Remarks by Commissioner Uyeda at the Practicing Law Institute’s 55th Annual Institute on Securities… [read post]
18 Aug 2010, 2:20 am by gmlevine
Darren Morgan, D2008-0212 (WIPO April 5, 2008) in which the Panel noted that Birgit Rausing “does not appear to have become well-known because she has written books. [read post]
25 Jun 2008, 3:02 pm
" The three argued cases in which decisions remain to be issued are: (1) Morgan Stanley Capital Group Inc. v. [read post]
20 Sep 2018, 2:48 pm by Bill Marler
Products are labeled with the establishment number “EST. 86R” inside the USDA mark of inspection. [read post]
27 Mar 2023, 2:47 am by Matrix Law
Lifestyle Equities C.V. and another v Ahmed and another, heard 20th February 2023 Morgan and others v Ministry of Justice (Northern Ireland), heard 22nd February 2023 JTI POLSKA Sp. [read post]
15 Sep 2007, 4:55 am
What when where: Mark Wells of Calunius Capital and Susan Dunn of IM Litigation Funding will be joined by Sam Eastwood (Norton Rose LLP) to discuss litigation funding at the Masterclass session of The Lawyer’s Private Litigation Conference, which overall has an emphasis on litigation relating to competition. [read post]
19 Dec 2008, 11:45 pm
He was the subject a long profile in New York Magazine in 2000, timed to coincide with his representation of Christian Curry, the Ivy Leaguer famously fired by Morgan Stanley after appearing without all of his clothes on in Playguy. [read post]
1 Sep 2010, 7:51 am by Michelle Leder
To be sure, we saw a marked increase in the number of companies talking about a double-dip recession in their filings. [read post]
24 Jan 2011, 2:54 am by Andrew Lavoott Bluestone
The Franklin Mint, based in Exton, Pa., was sold in 2006 to a group led by executives from The Morgan Mint. [read post]
12 Jun 2007, 11:00 pm
As noted earlier here, Lee's career numbers (82/.344/515/.859) are nowhere near as good as Berkman's and really not all that much better than 3B Morgan Ensberg, who is mostly riding the bench these days. [read post]