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27 Dec 2017, 11:19 am by Wolfgang Demino
Keller on behalf of STATE OF TEXAS (Keller, Scott) (Entered: 11/28/2017)11/28/201711 MOTION for Leave to File Brief of Amici Curiae by STATE OF TEXAS, STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA, STATE OF ALABAMA, STATE OF ARKANSAS, STATE OF GEORGIA, STATE OF LOUISIANA, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Proposed Brief of Texas et al., # 2 Text of Proposed Order)(Keller,… [read post]
24 Dec 2008, 6:10 pm
The historical range of the species in the contiguous states encompassed the northeastern states, including New York and Pennsylvania, the Great Lakes states, the Rocky Mountains, including Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Utah, and Colorado, and the Cascade Range of Washington and Oregon. [read post]
29 Jul 2008, 10:48 am
The court ordered briefing deferred pending the next decision of the United States Supreme Court in Philip Morris USA, Inc. v. [read post]
29 Jan 2014, 8:00 am by Robert Kreisman
It is estimated that 250,000 people die each year in the United States as a result of medical malpractice according to the U.S. [read post]
26 Mar 2010, 8:24 am by (Ann Althouse)
Oregon, where Roberts would have let the United States attorney general keep doctors from prescribing the suicide drugs that were authorized by Oregon law. [read post]
15 Nov 2023, 4:41 pm by Reference Staff
Also includes articles on Native American law in the Supreme CourtBoldt Decision — United States v. [read post]
15 Jun 2019, 1:01 am by rhapsodyinbooks
The interim between James Monroe’s presidency and the Civil War was marked by extreme sectional division over many political issues, including protectionism v. free trade; annexation of new territories (Texas, California, and Oregon); and state nullification of federal law. [read post]
18 May 2018, 3:39 am by Jon Gelman
Richardson, 411 U.S. 677 (1973), was a landmark United States Supreme Court case  which decided that benefits given by the United States military to the family of service members cannot be given out differently because of sex.Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg stated at oral argument:"Mr. [read post]
2 Dec 2010, 1:50 pm by almaraz
Hymel Environmental Tax Policy in the United States: A “Bit” of History Janet E. [read post]
6 May 2024, 8:44 am by Jeff Welty
The Supreme Court of the United States is currently considering whether, and under what circumstances, such ordinances are constitutional. [read post]