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11 Jul 2018, 7:53 am by Eric Goldman
“The couple of women that I’ve talked to have said, ‘Well now we’re going to have to go out on the streets, and we haven’t been on the streets in years,’” Jeffers said. [read post]
27 Oct 2017, 1:49 pm by Thaddeus Hoffmeister
Impeachment of a Verdict Based on a Juror’s Unwillingness to Deliberate The Court of Appeal of the State of California, Second Appellate District, Division Five rendered an opinion in Cornavaca v. [read post]
1 Jun 2017, 5:30 am by Kevin
As far as I can tell, the Ninth Circuit’s decision last week in Santopietro v. [read post]
19 Oct 2009, 11:03 pm
I am grateful to Thomas Raphael, a barrister at 20 Essex Street and the author of a major work on The Anti-Suit Injunction, to have accepted to comment on the recent In Zone Brands decision of the Cour de cassation. [read post]
7 Sep 2011, 4:32 pm by Brian Shiffrin
Or you may be able to obtain video recordings from cameras monitoring businesses or even street corners. [read post]
2 May 2011, 10:49 am by Eugene Volokh
The Proposed Second Amended Complaint, therefore, does not allege sufficient facts to state a Second Amendment claim capable of surviving a motion to dismiss. [read post]
28 Jul 2014, 3:48 am by Kevin LaCroix
The Delaware Supreme Court stirred up quite a bit of controversy earlier this year in the ATP Tours, Inc. v. [read post]
5 Mar 2015, 6:00 am by Yosie Saint-Cyr
Cormier even drove by Graham’s residence and parked on the street in front of her house. [read post]