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15 Nov 2016, 5:06 pm by Kevin Sheerin
Finally the penalty imposed is not so disproportionate to the misconduct has to be shocking to one’s sense of fairness (Pell v Mamaroneck) Visit my website for futher information about similar cases. [read post]
11 Jun 2014, 5:33 am by Kevin Smith, J.D.
It is the first of three major appeals in fair use cases that academic libraries should be watching carefully, and it may help cause a domino effect in those other two (the Georgia State and Google Books cases). [read post]
17 Nov 2008, 8:57 am
Co. v Graham, 275 AD2d 1012, 1013; see generally Thrasher v United States Liab. [read post]
19 Apr 2008, 9:41 am
L. 90-202), and reverse the Supreme Court's recent decision in Ledbetter v. [read post]
15 May 2015, 7:43 am by Amy Howe
Next Term’s Spokeo v. [read post]