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22 May 2008, 2:22 pm
Carole Migden (CA)Bob Mulholland (CA)Christine Pelosi (CA)Robert Rankin (CA)Steve Ybarra (CA)John Perez (CA)Pat Waak (CO)Nancy DiNardo (CT)Donna Brazile (DC)Christine Warnke (DC)John Daniello (DE)Harriet Smith-Windsor (DE)Richard Ray (GA)Ben Pangelinan (GU)Chair - Vacant (HI)Vice-Chair - Vacant (HI)Edward Smith (IL)Vacant (IL)Helen Knetzer (KS)Jennifer Moore (KY)Nathan Smith (KY)Chris Whittington (LA)Claude "Buddy" Leach (LA)Elsie Burkhalter (LA)Sam Spencer (ME)Jennifer… [read post]
22 Apr 2018, 9:30 pm by Series of Essays
Kennedy School of Government; Jennifer Baxter, principal at Industrial Economics; Reeve T. [read post]
15 Dec 2011, 8:24 pm by legalinformatics
Jennifer Scarduzio, Arizona State University; Sarah J. [read post]
9 Feb 2009, 7:24 am
Write to Jennifer Hodson at ©2009 Angel Reyes [read post]
10 Aug 2022, 9:01 pm by Gary Gensler
I’d also like to thank the staff for their diligent work on these amendments, including: William Birdthistle, Sarah ten Siethoff, Melissa Roverts Harke, Christine Schleppegrell, Lawrence Pace, Alexis Palascak, Timothy Husson, David Stevens, Jon Hertzke, Roberta Ufford, Michelle Beck, Holly Miller, Timothy Dulaney, Kevin Treharne, Trevor Tatum, Viktoria Baklanova, Isaac Kuznits, Andrew Deglin, Wayne Jenson, Alex Bradford, Jennifer McHugh, Thoreau Bartmann, and Kolby Quass in… [read post]
7 Dec 2011, 5:08 pm
8 Nov 2015, 11:36 pm by Steve Baird
I didn’t realize when I heard celebrity William Devane ask What’s in Your Safe? [read post]
30 Nov 2008, 1:44 am
Walker who lives in Fort Walton Beach and is 40 years old.Walker explained his role to Assistant State Attorney Jennifer Carlson. [read post]
16 Sep 2010, 12:37 pm by Laurie Lin
Honorable Mention Claire Pasternack and Brian Goldsmith (Stanford) Kathleen McGlynn and William Brady (Duke, Cravath) Amy Melville and Patrick Suehnholz (Harvard) Kathleen Liu and Weili Shaw (2, BU, Harvard)The Rest Francine Vlantes and Brian O’Keeffe (Rutgers) Yael Tuvia and Daniel Epstein (2, Emory, Georgetown) Jasmin Farhangian and Benjamin Burger (2, Brooklyn, Cardozo) Robyn Hoffman and Jacob Frumkin (2, Fordham, Brooklyn, Sidley) Sara Edelman and Ephram Lustgarten (GW) Lisa Rubin… [read post]
7 May 2021, 8:30 am by Gene Takagi
Kendi, The Atlantic) The Sum of Us (Heather McGhee)  [based on the Blinkist 15 min. summary of the book] ‘The Sum of Us’ Tallies the Cost of Racism for Everyone (Jennifer Szalai, NY Times) The Game Is Changing for Historians of Black America (William Sturkey, The Atlantic) The Black Heritage Trail: A walking tour deep into Boston history (Danielle Legros Georges, Boston Globe) [read post]
26 Jul 2016, 1:13 pm by CJLF Staff
William Petit Jr., and left him bound in the basement before terrorizing Hawke-Petit and her daughters for hours. [read post]
Later this month, President Biden will get his first chance to modify the Board’s composition when Member William J. [read post]
22 May 2020, 2:00 am by Christopher Tyner
In addition, late yesterday afternoon reports emerged that the man who filmed the encounter between the McMichaels and Arbery, William “Roddie” Bryan, Jr., also has been arrested in connection with the case. [read post]