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Throughout the world, even in countries from which LGBT individuals would never win asylum, like the United States, there are LGBT people who lead closeted lives. [read post]
22 Oct 2020, 1:02 pm
In 2009, Alhaggagi and his mother and siblings returned to California to live with his father. [read post]
20 Dec 2011, 3:31 pm by Rick Hasen
Gore Does Not Suck Buckley is Dead, Long Live Buckley: The New Campaign Finance Incoherence of McConnell v. [read post]
9 Aug 2017, 7:27 am
The court rejected Lewis's objection stating, `I'm imposing 6[.n.], all of it. [read post]
20 Feb 2013, 9:00 am by Guest Blogger
  The cases they discuss are the Massachusetts and California cases finding a right to same sex marriage (as well as the legislative arguments made successfully to support New York’s Marriage Equality Act); another is the Lawrence v Texas, which they argue validated intimacy, whether homosexual or heterosexual, as both a moral good and a protected choice. [read post]
25 Jun 2009, 12:00 pm
G I V E N under my hand and the Privy Seal of the State in the City of Albany this twenty fourth day of June in the year two thousand nine. [read post]
25 Jul 2010, 6:00 pm by Juan Antunez
Some time later son figures out that the guy who's been living with mom is actually married to her. [read post]