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30 Oct 2005, 3:44 pm
Named Fort Suse, the facility can hold more than 1,700 detainees; it received its first inmates from Abu Ghraib [JURIST news archive] and Camp Bucca [Global Security profile] on October [read post]
8 Apr 2008, 10:55 am
[JURIST] The anesthetic dosage delivered under Ohio's lethal injection [DPIC backgrounder] protocol is sufficient to prevent the condemned inmate from suffering during an execution, according to Tuesday testimony from an anesthesiologist during a court hearing on the constitutionality of Ohio's death penalty procedure [JURIST news archive]. [read post]
31 Oct 2022, 8:10 am by Mark Astarita
The Securities and Exchange Commission today charged six individuals, including a federal inmate, for conducting a freeriding scheme that defrauded multiple broker-dealers. [read post]
17 Mar 2014, 2:48 pm
. — The cells where inmates are kept in solitary confinement at the state penitentiary here are 7-by-13-foot boxes arranged in semicircular tiers. [read post]
25 Sep 2007, 11:27 am
Rees (07-5439) [docket; cert. petition], the Court will consider whether lethal injections of death row inmates constitute [read post]
12 Feb 2012, 8:50 am by Matthew Pomy
[JURIST] Utah's Fourth Judicial District Court [official website] Wednesday granted a death row inmate's request to be put to death by firing squad. [read post]
6 Dec 2006, 12:08 pm
Most recently Virginia inmate Percy Walton was granted a stay by Virginia Governor Timothy M. [read post]
3 Aug 2016, 4:06 pm by Associated Press
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama on Wednesday cut short the sentences of 214 federal inmates, including 67 life sentences, in what the White House called the largest batch of commutations on a single day in more than a century. [read post]
6 Nov 2017, 11:28 am by Jennifer Suder
The US Supreme Court [official website] unanimously concluded [decision, PDF] on Monday that Alabama may execute a death row inmate, Vernon Madison, who claims to be mentally incompetent and unfit to be executed under the Eighth Amendment [text] due to several strokes and vascular dementia. [read post]
25 Aug 2006, 5:21 am
He is the 7th inmate this year to waive his appeals or "volunteer. [read post]
17 Oct 2007, 11:56 am
[JURIST] The US Supreme Court [official website] on Wednesday afternoon issued an order [DOC text] staying the execution of Virginia death row inmate Christopher Scott Emmett [advocacy profile], who had been scheduled to be put to death at 9 PM ET. [read post]
14 Nov 2009, 3:19 am
The state undertook a review of its lethal injection practices in September after the planed execution of inmate Romell Broom failed [JURIST reports] when a [read post]
18 Jun 2008, 1:47 pm
* Last-minute reprieve for Texas death row inmate; execution in Oklahoma. [read post]
25 Aug 2009, 11:20 pm
8-26-2009 Michigan:Lansing -- Keeping inmates in prison past their earliest parole dates does little to reduce crime, according to a study released today by a Michigan public policy group.The findings come as Michigan plans to parole 3,000 more felons this year than in previous years to curb rising prison costs.The study by the nonprofit Citizens Alliance on Prisons and Public Spending followed [read post]
19 Apr 2018, 11:35 am by Christopher Anderson
" Maurice Mason, a former death row inmate, unsuccessfully challenged the role given to the judge during the sentencing phase of capital punishment cases. [read post]
28 Jul 2011, 9:11 am by Tiffany Chiao
-American Public Media, Marketplace, June 6, 2011 by Jeff Tyler Barry Krisberg with UC Berkeley’s Law School says housing an inmate in prison costs about $50,000 a year. [read post]
27 Jul 2004, 3:00 am
The Nation is reporting that Thailand's Criminal Court is debating whether to release an inmate who has served 23 years of a life sentence. [read post]
16 Apr 2008, 11:47 am
Virginia lifted its death penalty moratorium [press release] and Oklahoma's attorney general said he would seek to schedule executions for two death-row inmates [press release]. [read post]
28 Jul 2007, 5:50 pm
from the diaries of the tennessee dude... the state of alabama executed longtime death-row inmate darrell grayson by lethal injection on thursday for the killing an 86-year-old woman twenty-seven years was the state's second execution of the year and its 37th since capital punishment was reinstated in 1976... grayson, 46, made a peace sign with both hands and waved... [read post]
29 Sep 2022, 8:14 am by qbaron
Judge Finalizes Consent Decree to Improve CPD Detainees’ Legal Access After Civil Rights and Police Accountability Clinic Lawsuit is Settled qbaron Thu, 09/29/2022 - 10:14 Read more about Judge Finalizes Consent Decree to Improve CPD Detainees’ Legal Access After Civil Rights and Police Accountability Clinic Lawsuit is Settled Chicago Sun Times Andy Grimm Policing Lawsuit forces Chicago Police Department to improve inmates’ access to lawyers [read post]