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3 Feb 2012, 8:12 am by
West Elm, a division of Williams-Sonoma Inc, is recalling floor lamps due to shock hazard. [read post]
30 Apr 2010, 9:20 pm by Steven J. Malman
Williams, age 6, sustained a concussion, bruises, cuts, and a stiff neck when he was thrown some 15 feet during the Chicago, Illinois car accident. [read post]
22 Oct 2008, 2:07 pm
William Crabtree II faces two counts of mail fraud and one count of wire fraud for allegedly taking money from a client and, when caught, paying her back with money from other clients. [read post]
3 Feb 2010, 7:35 am by Moseley Collins
PLAINTIFFS’ TRAIL BRIEF Plaintiffs William White and Joan White submit the following trial brief in the above entitled matter. [read post]
22 Sep 2012, 9:04 pm by deborah1
Sadly, Williams severed his spinal cord, and was hence paralyzed from the waste down. [read post]
24 Jun 2009, 6:06 am
Today TaxMama hears from William in Florida with this request. [read post]
29 Apr 2011, 2:39 pm
James Bain, Orlando Boquete, Alan Crotzer, Wilton Dedge, William Dillon, Larry Bostic and Derrick Williams spent a collective 158 years behind bars for crimes they did not commit-all of them were misidentified by eyewitnesses.The authors of bill appealed to years of scientific research in drafting its central components. [read post]
10 Apr 2008, 2:24 am
The March 2008 issue of the William & Mary Law Review is devoted to a symposium on 'Constitution Drafting in Post-Conflict States'. [read post]
16 Jan 2007, 5:30 am
Rumpole's favourite authors, in no particular order:Ayn Rand; John Steinbeck; Stephen King; William Manchester; John Irving; E.M. [read post]
10 Feb 2010, 11:45 pm
Basis for vacating or modifying an arbitrator’s disciplinary arbitration award limitedMatter of Board of Educ. of William Floyd Union Free School Dist. v Lemay, 60 AD3d 943The William Floyd Union Free School District attempted to vacate an arbitrator’s award promulgated pursuant to Section 3020-a(5) of the Education Law.The arbitrator had sustained certain disciplinary charges filed against Gary Lemay and imposed a penalty of suspension for six months without pay. [read post]
18 Oct 2011, 6:36 am by Philip Thomas
Judge Primeaux's blog has the story this morning about Court of Appeals Judge William Myers resigning effective December 31, 2011: COA Judge William Myers has submitted his resignation, effective December 31, 2011. [read post]