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8 Feb 2022, 3:55 pm
It is the equivalent of publicizing fad diets, quack cancer cures or creationist theories,” [Larry] Summers tweeted. ...Noah Smith, a well-known economist and former Bloomberg columnist... calls the Times profile a "puff piece," noting that Smialek writes about Kelton's outfits. [read post]
8 Jun 2024, 4:22 am
They’re just not,' [said Larry Sabato, a University of Virginia political scientist and self-described polling skeptic].... [read post]
13 Nov 2019, 2:45 pm
Chestnut Hill's petition cites statistics on the number of Rule 36 decisions being issued, which come from Larry Sandell’s article, What Statistical Analysis Reveals About Winning IPR Appeals, LAW 360 (August 8, 2019, 5: 22 PM). [read post]
26 Nov 2012, 11:30 am
Larry Golub was quoted in a Nov. 20, 2012, Law360 article (subscription required) about the National Conference of Insurance Legislators' (NCOIL) new model act to prevent the use of false and misleading certificates of insurance. [read post]
28 Mar 2021, 6:00 pm
Recent Headlines in the IP World: David Phelan: Apple iPhone 13: Patent Hints At Radically Different Innovation (Source: Forbes) Christopher Rowland: Advocates Want NIH to Use its Moderna Vaccine Patent to Push for Global Access (Source: The Washington Post) Larry W. [read post]
27 Jan 2013, 6:13 am
You'll find several other reviews on books about war and the U.S. military this week: The Wall Street Journal has a review of Zumwalt: The Life and Times of Admiral Elmo Russell "Bud" Zumwalt Jr (Harper) by Larry Berman. [read post]
22 Dec 2020, 7:12 pm
This commutation is supported by former Attorneys General Edwin Meese and Michael Mukasey, as well as former Deputy Attorney General Larry Thompson. [read post]
18 Jun 2021, 4:00 am
Deval Patrick signed a proclamation recognizing Juneteenth as a holiday in Massachusetts in 2007 while Maryland Governor Larry Hogan has announced that Maryland State government agencies and offices will be closed on Friday, June 18, 2021, in observance of Juneteenth National Independence Day and West Virginia's Governor Jim Justice issued a proclamation on June 18, 2021, officially declaring Juneteenth a State holiday in West Virginia. [read post]
13 Apr 2015, 4:50 am
Larry Bache provides a good industry definition in his post, Are You Covered? [read post]
13 Apr 2016, 10:43 pm
Kobe Bryant Scores 60 in Final GameI was at Veterans Stadium in 1980 when the Eagles beat the Cowboys to go to the Superbowl.I was at Citizens Bank Park in 2008 when the Phillies won the World Series and again in 2009 when Roy Halladay threw a no-hitter against the Reds in the playoffs.I was at The Meadowlands when DeSean Jackson return the punt for a touchdown in December 2010 at the Miracle at The Meadowlands 3.I saw Danny Ozark leave Greg Luzinski in for an inning too long and Manny Mota bunted… [read post]
20 Jun 2014, 4:30 am
With several significant hail storms pummeling Nebraska in the last several weeks, my colleague Larry Bache and I are receiving inquiries about claims handling statutes in Nebraska. [read post]
10 Jun 2013, 1:56 pm
Ielase was a passenger in a pickup driven by her husband James Ielase when a vehicle driven by 67 year old Larry Wells collided with the rear of the Ielase's pickup. [read post]
17 Dec 2013, 6:13 am
Larry Ribstein, is part of this project. [read post]
28 Apr 2015, 6:27 am
(Pix (c) Larry Catá Backer 2015) This from Matteo Tonello at the Conference Board: Disclosure of climate change risk becomes more prominent in the United States Access Sustainability Practices 2015 Dashboard Download the Key Findings Research conducted by The Conference Board in collaboration with Bloomberg and GRI shows that disclosure of the business risks of climate change is becoming more prominent, especially among US companies. [read post]
4 Dec 2014, 8:42 am
(Pix (c) Larry Catá Backer 2014) The Office of the Higher Commissioner for Human Rights Civil Society Section has just announced the availability, for download, of the following publications.New Publications: Frequently Asked Questions about the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (HR/PUB/14/3, 52 pp.) [read post]
3 Jul 2020, 12:35 am
THE CAPTAIN REPORTS:SAD NEWS TODAY AS JUDGE SHELDON "SHELLY" SCHWARTZ HAS PASSED AWAYJudge Schwartz was first elected to the County Court bench in 1996 when he defeated Larry King. [read post]
29 Jan 2013, 7:40 am
("Sleeping Dog", pix (c) Larry Catá Backer 2013) This post links to my comments of these issues as they relate specifically to the changes at Penn State.Form and Function in Faculty Governance: Aligning Governance Structures With Changing Realities of University Administration Senate Forensic on Senate Institutional Reorganization (Jan. 8, 2013), Responding to the Senate Self Study Forensic--The Senate Can Work Better. [read post]
18 Jun 2021, 4:00 am
Deval Patrick signed a proclamation recognizing Juneteenth as a holiday in Massachusetts in 2007 while Maryland Governor Larry Hogan has announced that Maryland State government agencies and offices will be closed on Friday, June 18, 2021, in observance of Juneteenth National Independence Day and West Virginia's Governor Jim Justice issued a proclamation on June 18, 2021, officially declaring Juneteenth a State holiday in West Virginia. [read post]
26 Sep 2024, 8:16 am
It does so by engaging with two of the most authoritative views on the subject which have recently been put forward in the Common law world—namely, Lord Hoffmann’s, and Larry Alexander and Emily Sherwin’s. [read post]
8 Sep 2023, 6:09 am
The video recording are available in two parts:Morning Session Afternoon Session Pix credit hereOn 6 September 2023 this Workshop-Conference brought together a number of the contributors to the exploration of the critical issues that arise from mandatory human rights due diligence laws to be published in book The current state and future trajectories of human rights due diligence laws: New Legal Norms on Human Rights Due Diligence (Larry Catá Backer and Claire Methven … [read post]