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7 Sep 2020, 10:38 am
  After Ford left the White House in 1977, he privately justified his pardon of Nixon by carrying in his wallet a portion of the text of Burdick v. [read post]
20 Oct 2020, 9:30 pm by ernst
Gorewitz and 'Change of Neighborhood' in the NAACP’s Restrictive Covenant Cases, which is forthcoming in the Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 55 (2020):Racially restrictive covenants flourished throughout the United States in the early twentieth century. [read post]
9 Oct 2020, 6:30 am by Guest Blogger
It has sprung instead from the dominant fears of white political leaders in the South, ardent segregationists and white supremacists who wanted to minimize the impact of black voting and political influence. [read post]
13 Jun 2016, 10:47 am by Kent Scheidegger
Fifty years ago today, the United States Supreme Court handed down the famous or infamous (depending on your point of view) decision in Miranda v. [read post]
25 Jun 2013, 2:58 pm by Marci A. Hamilton
  The gap between white and black voters in 1965 in Deep South states ranged from 23% to 63%. [read post]
18 Jan 2024, 2:40 am by jonathanturley
Judge Wendy Beetlestone just denied a critical motion to dismiss in De Piero v. [read post]
30 Aug 2016, 1:46 pm by Mary Jane Wilmoth
The White House announced that tomorrow evening, President Obama will deliver remarks to leaders from the Pacific Island Conference of Leaders and the IUCN World Conservation Congress, which is being hosted in the United States for the first time. [read post]
8 Jun 2023, 2:21 pm by John Elwood
United States, 21-8190Issue: Whether the Supreme Court should overturn its decision in United States v. [read post]
10 Jan 2025, 11:31 am by Josh Blackman
United States, 51 U.S. 109, 135 (1850) (describing an emolument as "every species of compensation or pecuniary profit derived from a discharge of the duties of the office"); see also James C. [read post]
7 Apr 2015, 4:17 pm by Stephen Bilkis
United States v Yancey, 621 F3d 681 (7th Cir 2010) (per curiam) (rejecting Second Amendment challenge to 18 USC § 922(g)(3), which makes it a criminal felony for one who is an unlawful user of, or addicted to, any controlled substance to possess a gun); United States v Seay, 620 F3d 919 (8th Cir 2010), pet. for cert. filed, Dec. 16, 2010 (same) (see also 620 F3d at 924-25, collecting cases); United States v Skoien,… [read post]