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2 Aug 2018, 1:44 am by Bill Marler
As of July 13, 2018, McDonald’s decided to voluntarily stop selling salads at impacted restaurants in IL, IA, IN, WI, MI, OH, MN, NE, SD, MT, ND, KY, WV, and MO. [read post]
22 Apr 2016, 7:32 pm by Bill Marler
Listed below are details regarding the recalled items: Label Size Item UPC Use By Date True Goodness by Meijer 10 oz Organic Petite Green Peas 7 13733 43099 9 11/26/2017 True Goodness by Meijer 10 oz Organic White Sweet Corn 7 13733 43098 2 11/21/2017 Wellsley Farms Organic 4 lb Organic Mixed Veg  8 88670 01013 6 10/25/2017 Wellsley Farms Organic 4 lb Organic Green Peas 8 88670 00997 0 2/10/2018 Wellsley Farms Organic 4 lb Organic Green… [read post]
4 Mar 2024, 12:09 pm by Gary Burger
Note this is much shorter than the time frame for other types of personal injury claims in MO. [read post]
17 Feb 2016, 11:38 am by Embajador Microjuris al Día
“Comencé a pensar en cómo se sentiría este grupo de hombre si el gobierno se insertara a sí mismo en sus decisiones privadas de carácter médico”, explicó Marzian a Prensa Asociada, a la vez que señaló que la inspiración del proyecto también proviene de “los valores” de sus compañeros legisladores. [read post]
3 Feb 2010, 7:08 pm by by PritzkerLaw
The number of ill persons identified in each state with this strain is as follows: AK (1), AL (2), AZ (5), CA (30), CO (4), CT (4), DC (1), DE (2), FL (3), GA (3), IA (1), ID (2), IL (11), IN (3), KS (3), LA (1), MA (12), MD (1), ME (1), MI (4), MN (4), MO (1), NC (9), ND (1), NE (1), NH (1), NJ (8), NM (2), NY (16), OH (9), OK (1), OR (9), PA (5), RI (2), SC (1), SD (3), TN (5), TX (7), UT (9), VA (1), WA (15), WV (1), and WY (2). [read post]
30 May 2011, 10:00 am by Lovechilde
As the upper arm comes past the head, it stops moving forward, and the momentum goes into the final links—the forearm and wrist, which snap forward at tremendous speed.In a more recent follow-up piece (Throwing Like A Tim Lincecum), Fallows points to this Red Bull-sponsored super slo-mo clip of the Giants' Tim Lincecum throwing the ball as a perfect illustration of how the kinetic chain works: Fallows contends that throwing is not some innate skill but is an "intricate… [read post]
28 Sep 2011, 7:01 am by But I Do Have a Law Degree
  This was my MO back when I was part time. [read post]
21 Apr 2013, 11:24 pm by Helena Bottemiller
Mark Pryor (D-AR) and Roy Blunt (R-MO), the chair and ranking member of the Senate appropriations subcommittee on agriculture and other agencies, urging the committee to “appropriately fund” food safety at FDA “rather than support the imposition of any new food regulatory taxes on food makers and consumers. [read post]
8 Apr 2015, 9:14 pm by Embajador Microjuris al Día
“En su momento se demostrará que esto es otro ejemplo de cómo la industria aprende de tragedias como esta y aplica esas lecciones a otras tragedias, disminuyendo la posibilidad de que se repitan”, concluyó Tyler. [read post]
11 Sep 2020, 11:38 am by Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.
Además, debido a que el virus es tan contagioso y se sabe tan poco sobre cómo limitar su propagación, es probable que pierda mucho trabajo después de infectarse con COVID. [read post]
3 Dec 2011, 9:15 pm by PritzkerLaw
Louis MO recalled 10oz pint and 10lb bulk grape tomatoes supplied by Rio Queen Citrus, Mission TX, due to possible contamination with Salmonella. [read post]