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9 Dec 2010, 4:20 am by Gary L. Francione
In fact, I have explicitly asked People for the Ethical Treatment a dozen times on Twitter whether PETA considers Animal Compassionate products to be “humanely” produced and PETA has refused to answer. [read post]
15 Oct 2015, 2:37 pm by Michael Lumer
 There are myriad of reasons why society benefits when our former convicts become gainfully employed, including reduced incarceration costs, lowered crime rates, and healthier and stronger families and local communities.Redemption and rehabilitation may be an anathema to the law, order, and continuous retribution crowd, but people who screw up and pay the price deserve the opportunity to reclaim their lives. [read post]
3 Apr 2013, 7:07 pm
The consequence is that big pharma may continue pricing drug products by geographical region, and Americans remain prohibited from seeking cheaper prescription alternatives from foreign countries (though many people do illegally import drugs from abroad, especially from Canada)". [read post]
4 Jun 2012, 1:20 pm
  Holding doors open for other people springs to mind. [read post]
17 May 2011, 11:37 am
  Today's just a lesson that it pays to know smart people, because sometimes they can get you out of jams. [read post]
5 Mar 2012, 9:44 am by admin
It is the result of a bargain made between Tim Hortons and its franchisees whereby franchisees give up the autonomy they would have as independent business people and agree to buy their products from suppliers and at prices specified by Tim Hortons. [read post]