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25 Apr 2024, 1:46 pm by Jo Ann Hoffman & Associates, P.A.
 A lawyer must not reveal information relating to a client’s representation except as stated in subdivisions (b), (c), and (d), unless the client gives informed consent. [read post]
13 Jan 2008, 1:23 pm
Public policies informed by scientific evidence are more likely to be effective in achieving goals of community protection (Levenson & D'Amora, 2007). [read post]
12 Mar 2016, 7:44 am by Rebecca Tushnet
  This might be important b/c if you put it in category (2), order w/o law, you get presumptive benefits of that category—superiority to judicial proceedings in some cases—when they aren’t warranted. [read post]
24 Dec 2016, 4:04 am
(c) Although the hearing officer was only given the evidence on the day of the hearing she had the opportunity to consider it in her reserved judgment. [read post]
18 Apr 2015, 11:05 am by Rebecca Tushnet
If artists want to be paid in attribution, and release work under CC licenses, then someone who copies w/o attribution shouldn’t win fair use automatically b/c there’s no market harm. [read post]
17 Jun 2022, 2:09 pm by admin
In addition to the law professors, Peter B. [read post]
4 Feb 2009, 5:03 pm
When foodborne illness outbreaks occur, the source of the contamination is not always clear. [read post]
3 Nov 2023, 6:33 pm by gA
En el último trimestre del 84 la Corte le había concedido una licencia por enfermedad con goce de sueldo, básicamente para descargarse de las labores de la presidencia, porque siguió firmando y trabajando en fallos, pero con energías menguadas. [read post]
17 May 2020, 4:48 pm by Omar Ha-Redeye
DEALING WITH CASES JUSTLY (3) Dealing with a case justly includes, (a) ensuring that the procedure is fair to all parties; (b) saving expense and time; (c) dealing with the case in ways that are appropriate to its importance and complexity; and (d) giving appropriate court resources to the case while taking account of the need to give resources to other cases. [read post]