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26 Jan 2011, 2:28 pm by Reproductive Rights
Slate: The Baby Butcher, Revisited, by William Saletan: Kermit Gosnell, a Philadelphia abortionist, has been charged with butchering viable babies, causing a woman's death, and endangering other patients. [read post]
29 Aug 2014, 9:10 am by Paul Caron
Ray Brescia (Albany), As School Year Begins, Thinking Outside the Tort Shailini George (Suffolk), The Cure for the Distracted Mind: Why Law Schools Should Teach Mindfulness Carmen Gonzalez (Seattle), Women of Color in Legal Education: Challenging the Presumption of Incompetence William Henderson (Indiana), Ahead of the Curve: Three Big Innovators... [read post]
6 Jan 2016, 8:33 am by Heather Cobun
There were few surprises Wednesday morning as Baltimore City Circuit Judge Barry Williams dispensed with nearly a dozen pretrial motions filed in the case against Officer Caesar Goodson, the second officer to go on trial in connection with the death of Freddie Gray. [read post]
3 May 2016, 11:44 am by Nonprofit Blogger
David Fagundes (Univ. of Houston Law Center) recently posted Buying Happiness: Property, Acquisition, & Subjective Well-Being (William & Mary Law Review, Vol. 58, 2017, Forthcoming) to SSRN. [read post]
11 Jul 2016, 4:32 am by Immigration Prof
Last month, William Stock is president of the American Immigration Lawyers Association. [read post]
26 Nov 2017, 12:03 am by Paul Caron
There is a bit of movement in this week's list of the Top 5 Recent Tax Paper Downloads, with a new paper debuting on the list at #5: [418 Downloads] Background and Current Status of FATCA and CRS, by William Byrnes (Texas A&M) [302 Downloads] The Rise of Trust Decanting... [read post]
6 Jun 2019, 10:10 am by Gerry W. Beyer
The following excerpt is from Out-of-State Trusts Shouldn’t Be Taxed: Bloink & Byrnes Go Thumb to Thumb,, May 8, 2019, in which Professors Robert Bloink and William Byrnes, give their opposing opinions as to what the SCOTUS should decide:... [read post]
1 Mar 2022, 11:10 am by CrimProf BlogEditor
Maria Hawilo and Mark William Osler (Northwestern University - Northwestern Pritzker School of Law and University of St. [read post]
17 Nov 2010, 5:53 am by laborprof lpb
Congratulations to Susan Grover (William & Mary), Sandra Sperino (Temple, en route to Cincinnati), and Jarod Gonzalez (Texas Tech) on the impending publication of their casebook Employment Discrimination: A Context and Practice Casebook (Carolina Academic Press, forthcoming December 2010). [read post]
29 Aug 2007, 2:47 am
Famed class action attorney William Lerach is stepping down from his firm as of August 31 in the midst of a drawn-out federal investigation of kickbacks paid to plaintiffs through his former firm, Milberg Weiss. [read post]
19 Apr 2011, 10:07 am by Paul Caron
Several elite law reviews (including Boston University, Chicago, Harvard, Minnesota, Stanford, William & Mary, and Yale) pledged today to end the practice of issuing “exploding offers” to authors and instead will give authors at least seven days to respond to a publication offer: In recent years, many law journals have... [read post]
30 Jun 2020, 10:00 pm
Morgan Lewis partner Lee Harding and trainee William Mallin authored an article for Employment Law Journal about how to protect the health and safety of employees upon their return to the workplace. [read post]
30 Jun 2022, 2:00 am by Katharine Van Tassel
Jones (Vanderbilt University), The Future of Law and Neuroscience, 63 William & Mary L. [read post]