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12 Jun 2017, 7:59 pm by Patricia Salkin
Rochester Eastside Residents for Appropriate Development, Inc. v City of Rochester, 2017 WL 182588 (NYAD 4 Dept. 5/5/017)Filed under: Current Caselaw - New York, Environmental Review, Standing [read post]
5 Oct 2022, 5:00 pm
First, are workers who transport goods or passengers only within a state “transportation workers” when the goods or passengers come from outside the state? [read post]
5 Jun 2016, 6:35 am
 [Kat pat to Professor Mike Schuster, Oklahoma State University] [read post]
5 Jun 2020, 5:49 am by Riana Harvey
Further case law has also illustrated that the attractiveness of a design, the intentions of the author, the design’s visual effect, symbolism and commercial success in the marketplace will not be factors in a finding of eligibility for copyright protection (Bleistein v Donaldson Lithographing Co).In relation to derivative works, it is stated that the registration of such works would not cover any previously published or registered works (17 U.S.C. [read post]
1 Dec 2008, 12:10 pm
"The New York State and Local Employees' Retirement System conceded that Lawless was permanently incapacitated from the performance of his duties, but decided that his disability was not sustained as a result of the discharge of his duties as a correction officer and rejected his application for line-of-duty disability benefits. [read post]
28 Dec 2010, 3:35 am
Applicant rejected after being found overqualified for appointment to the positionCity of New London v Harrigan, CA2*May an individual be so overqualified for the position so as to justify his or her being rejected for an appointment to the title? [read post]