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16 Feb 2010, 11:22 am by Abbott & Kindermann
City of Los Angeles (2009) 177 Cal.App.4th 837 On September 17, 2009, the Second Appellate District issued its opinion in the Las Lomas case. [read post]
30 Jul 2018, 10:16 pm by Abbott & Kindermann
The Los Angeles Rams (2009 [City of Industry stadium that never materialized]), Sacramento Kings (2013), Golden State Warriors (2015), and Los Angeles Clippers (2017), all received Legislature approved exemptions from the full CEQA process for construction of new stadium or arena projects, and the A’s now hope to receive the same. [read post]
City of Los Angeles (2011) 201 Cal.App.4th 455, 473. stated, “despite [CEQA’s evident concern with protecting the environment and human health, its relevant provisions are best read to focus almost entirely on how projects affect the environment. [read post]
22 Sep 2009, 3:00 pm
City of Los Angeles (Sept. 17, 2009, B213637) ___ Cal.App.4th ___, the long standing rule that CEQA does not apply to projects rejected or disapproved by a public agency, allows a public agency to reject a project before completing or considering the EIR. [read post]
10 May 2011, 8:00 am by James Yang
As an Orange County Patent Attorney, I serve Orange County, Irvine, Los Angeles, San Diego and surrounding cities. [read post]
City of Los Angeles, 191 Cal.App.3d 259 (1987), these provisions did not confer the ability to mitigate environmental impacts in a meaningful way. [read post]