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26 Feb 2007, 10:51 pm
I focused on the Stevens dissent and also discussed Breyer's commentary at oral argument.Today, Anthony Sebok at FindLaw takes a more in-depth look on the same subject with: The Supreme Court's Decision to Overturn a $79.5 Punitive Damages Verdict Against Philip Morris:A Big Win, But One With Implications That May Trouble Corporate America [read post]
18 Mar 2009, 5:44 am
Commentary available online from FindLaw: Anthony J. [read post]
7 Apr 2009, 6:38 am
In his regular column, Professor Anthony Sebok writes that Wyeth v. [read post]
25 Feb 2019, 3:30 am by Eyal Zamir
Ronen Avraham & Anthony Sebok, An Empirical Investigation of Third Party Consumer Litigant Funding, 104 Cornell L. [read post]
11 Apr 2007, 4:30 pm
From More On The Issues Raised by the Recent Proposal to Reopen the 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund: Part Two in a Two-Part Series of Columns By ANTHONY J. [read post]
16 Apr 2008, 7:38 am
We noticed two things in the recent "book review" issue of the Michigan Law Review.First, Anthony Sebok's review of Richard Nagareda's book, Mass Torts in a World of Settlement, is worthwhile for those who toil in the same field that we do, but haven't yet found time to read the whole book.Second, in his review of Not a Suicide Pact: The Constitution in a Time of National Emergency, Judge Stephen Reinhardt, of the Ninth Circuit, writes this of Judge… [read post]
25 Apr 2007, 5:06 am
Over at That Other Website, there's a link to a Findlaw column by Anthony Sebok, entitled, "Could Virginia Tech Be Held Liable for Cho Seung Hui's Shootings, If An Investigation Were to Reveal It Had Been Negligent? [read post]
28 Feb 2007, 6:30 am
SEBOK Findlaw Tuesday, Feb. 27, 2007 Last week, the United States Supreme Court decided Philip Morris USA v. [read post]
14 Jan 2021, 3:30 am by Anthony Sebok
Anthony Sebok A familiar rhetorical trope in modern advocacy is: “Imagine if visitors from outer space were observing x; how would they describe it? [read post]
8 Feb 2008, 11:26 am
But Findlaw columnist and Cardozo law school professor Anthony Sebok suggests that freeing the telecoms without giving some sort of compensation to those suing the companies would amount to an unconstitutional taking. [read post]
8 Feb 2023, 3:30 am by Anthony Sebok
Anthony Sebok In their forthcoming article, Unenforceable Waivers, Edward Cheng, Ehud Guttel, and Yuval Procaccia (“CGP”) ask an embarrassing question: Why do businesses require customers to sign waivers that have been struck down by courts in published opinions that are available not only to their lawyers but also to their customers? [read post]