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29 Nov 2013, 6:02 am by Ed Felten
My faculty colleague Arvind Narayanan (who joined us last year) as well as several more students are working on Bitcoin, and the pace has accelerated. [read post]
8 Aug 2017, 6:00 am by Bendert Zevenbergen
Arvind Narayanan points out that computer science sub-communities have traditionally developed their own community standards about what is considered to be ethical. [read post]
27 Oct 2024, 8:00 am by Gene Takagi
The Social State of Giving (GoFundMe/Classy) GoFundMe, Meta Combine On Sharing Features (Paul Clolery, Nonprofit Times) More Tenth-Anniversary FPLG Blog Favorites (Linda Rosenthal, For Purpose Law Group) What to Say on November 6 and How to Say It (Drew Lindsay, Chronicle of Philanthropy) The data is in: DEI strategies can benefit all (Frances Kunreuther and Mercedes Brown, Candid) Voter Registration and Racially Correlated Charity (darryll k. jones, Nonprofit Law Prof Blog) … [read post]
9 Feb 2018, 7:09 am by Nathan Matias
Lundberg Arvind Narayanan Karen Levy March 20th: Case Studies in AI Ethics Ben Zevenbergen Chloe Bakalar April 3rd: TBA April 17th: TBA May 1st: TBA May 15th: TBA May 29th: TBA [read post]
28 Sep 2016, 6:37 am by Jessica Su
In new work with Ansh Shukla, Sharad Goel and Arvind Narayanan, we show that these anonymous web browsing records can in fact often be tied back to real-world identities. [read post]
28 Nov 2018, 8:35 am by Laura Cummings-Abdo
This year we are also looking for a postdoctoral fellow to work on bias in AI in collaboration with an interdisciplinary team: Arvind Narayanan and Olga Russakovsky at Princeton and Kate Crawford at the AI Now institute NYU. [read post]
17 Dec 2009, 1:29 pm
So it wasn't surprising that just weeks after the contest began, two University of Texas researchers - Arvind Narayanan and Vitaly Shmatikov - identified several NetFlix users by comparing their "anonymous" reviews in the Netflix data to ones posted on the Internet Movie Database website. [read post]
18 Sep 2017, 6:28 am by Bendert Zevenbergen
On the one hand, she demonstrates the power of an AI system to replicate societal biases in a recent paper (co-authored with CITP’s Aylin Caliskan and Arvind Narayanan) by letting systems trained on a corpus of text from the World Wide Web learn the implicit biases around the gender of certain professions. [read post]
24 Jun 2024, 6:18 am by Rob Robinson
Arvind Narayanan, a professor of computer science at Princeton University, acknowledged the study’s merit but advised caution. [read post]
20 May 2011, 1:16 pm by Ryan Radia
(For more on the de-anonymization of data sets, see Arvind Narayanan and Vitaly Shmatikov’s 2008 research paper on the topic). [read post]
15 Jan 2020, 10:30 am by Mihir Kshirsagar
Felten, Arunesh Mathur, Arvind Narayanan, Victor Ongkowijaya, Matthew J. [read post]
6 Jun 2014, 5:07 am by Arvind Narayanan
 Professor Arvind Narayanan, in addition to teaching the class that facilitated this project and advising us at key junctures, furnished the funding that made our testing possible. [read post]
5 Oct 2016, 6:45 am by Matthew Salganik
Also, I would like to thank Arvind Narayanan, Betsy Paluck, Chico Bastos, Nick Feamster, and Don Dillman for sending me feedback through email (feedback that was generated by the Open Review process but which is not visible to everyone). [read post]
19 Jun 2014, 11:32 am by Joseph Bonneau
This was joint work with Jeremy Clark (Concordia University), Ed Felten, Joshua Kroll, Andrew Miller (University of Maryland), and Arvind Narayanan. [1] We aren’t even considering here the challenge of events with a legitimate real-world dispute over the outcome, such as 2012 Iowa Republican caucuses. [read post]
13 Aug 2020, 6:14 am by Annette Zimmermann
” As important earlier work on NLP tools—notably by Aylin Caliskan, Joanna Bryson and Arvind Narayanan—has shown, social norms and practices affect the ways in which linguistic concepts underpinning these tools are defined and operationalized. [read post]
22 Mar 2011, 7:30 am by Adam Thierer
Consequently, her paper includes a powerful critique of the “de-anonymization” and “easy re-identification” fears set forth by the likes of Paul Ohm, Arvind Narayanan, Vitaly Shmatikov, and other computer scientists and privacy theorists. [read post]
26 Mar 2012, 8:26 pm by Mehmet Munur
The FTC relied on articles such as Broken Promises of Privacy: Responding to the Surprising Failure of Anonymization by Paul Ohm and the Robust De-anonymization of Large Sparse Datasets by Arvind Narayanan and Vitaly Shmatikov relating to Netflix. [read post]
26 Jul 2018, 10:54 am by Vitaly Shmatikov
Thanks to Arvind Narayanan for feedback on a draft of this post. [read post]
16 Dec 2024, 10:02 am by Sophie Luskin
As CITP Director Arvind Narayanan noted, 2024 is a good time for tech policy in the United States: despite persistent challenges, there has been meaningful progress in enforcement, state-level regulation, and corporate responsibility. [read post]
22 Dec 2010, 4:48 pm by Frank Pasquale
For example, Arvind Narayanan has described rather indiscriminate data gathering by third parties: The Facebook “like” button is a prominent . . . example[] of third-party tracking not directly related to behavioral advertising. . . . [read post]