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24 May 2007, 10:18 am
John Charman's miffed that the Court of Appeal has upheld a financial award of £48,000,000 to his ex-wife Beverley on their divorce after 27 years. [read post]
26 Jun 2007, 9:19 pm
" The keynote speaker is the Right Honourable Chief Justice of Canada Beverley McLachlin. [read post]
27 Feb 2008, 6:28 am
Partner Beverley Rogers led a lively discussion of Employment Law, primarily hiring practices, at the “Brown Bag Lunch” sponsored by the Ridgefield, CT Chamber of Commerce on Thursday, February 21. [read post]
24 Jun 2013, 8:30 pm by Simon Chester
Alan Lenczner and another leading advocate will argue Shylock’s sentence before a panel of judges including Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin and former Justice Ian Binnie. [read post]
28 Oct 2007, 11:45 pm
From SSRN:Martha Jane Bailey, Beverley Baines & Bita Amani, Expanding Recognition of Foreign Polygamous Marriages: Policy Implications for Canada, (Queen's Univ. [read post]
7 Aug 2009, 7:37 am
Beverley Baines (Queen's University - Faculty of Law) has posted Must Feminist Judges Self-Identify as Feminist? [read post]
26 Jun 2008, 7:19 pm
The Chief Justice of Canada, the Right Honourable Beverley McLachlin, who also heads the Council, has identified access to justice as one of the most important challenges facing the justice system today. [read post]
2 Jul 2007, 10:32 am
"It was good news," says Joseph in an interview from Vancouver.On the other end of the line was Supreme Court Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin offering this year's UVic Law Society Gold Medal winner a position as her clerk.Very inspiring - read the rest of the article. [read post]
1 Aug 2022, 4:04 am
Securities Industry Commentator: A legal, regulatory, and compliance feed curated by veteran Wall Street lawyer Bill Singer BLOG: [In]Securities: Lip Service: The SEC, Reg S-ID, and the Majestic Equality of Regulation by Aegis Frumento Esq ( Blog)Absurd SEC Staff Bulletin Warns Industry To Adjust To Known Variables And Be Flexible ( Blog)FINRA Censures and Fines JP Morgan Securities In High-Profile… [read post]
30 Nov 2022, 8:02 am by Paul Horwitz
" Canadians, and I am still one, may be familiar with this phenomenon because of controversy over the role of its former Chief Justice, Beverley McLachlin, who insisted on staying on as a high court judge in Hong Kong despite the resignation of a couple other foreign judges,... [read post]
31 Jan 2014, 9:28 am by Tom Kosakowski
The closing keynote address will be delivered by Dame Beverley Wakem DNZM CBE, Chief Ombudsman of New Zealand and President of the International Ombudsman Institute. [read post]
10 Sep 2009, 4:33 pm
Beverley Stephenson told police she was attacked by three men who burst into her home, Durham Crown Court heard. [read post]
24 Jan 2012, 4:07 pm by Michel-Adrien
In the most recent issue of The Lawyers Weekly, Cristin Schmitz examines the voting patterns and the written output of the justices of the Supreme Court of Canada in 2011 [some of the tables on the free web version of the paper are unavailable].Overall, the analysis shows that Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin wrote the most:"The examination of the Supreme Court’s voting patterns and written output in 2011 reveals that the nine judges cranked out 64 judgments, but spoke with one… [read post]
24 Nov 2007, 9:46 am
The Canadian Centre for Elder Law Studies has posted the Chief Justice of Canada, Beverley McLachlin's keynote address at the Canadian Converence of Elder Law, held November 8-10, 2007. [read post]
5 Feb 2009, 9:19 am
The weekend starts early in HullThursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday it's just one long pub crawl along Beverley Road. [read post]
5 Jan 2014, 1:17 pm by Simon Fodden
The five-person bench was stellar: Patricia Jackson, Justice Ian Binnie, Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin, Earl Cherniak, and Mayo Moran. [read post]