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2 Nov 2009, 1:41 am
(IP finance) US General - Decisions PepsiCo's $1.2 billion court no-show in trade secrets misappropriation case brought in connection with AquaFina bottled water (IPKat) Adequately indentifying trade secrets in California trade secret misappropriation litigation: Brescia v Angelin (JIPLP) US Patent Reform Patent 'reform' may happen this year, after all (Patent Docs) US Patents Study conducted by Stuart J H Graham and Dietmar Harhoff concludes US would benefit from EPO-style opposition… [read post]
25 Dec 2012, 9:30 pm by RegBlog
    “Patents, Patients, and Profits: Winners and Losers in Drug Patent Challenges”by Bhaven Sampat, Columbia University (April 23)   Balancing incentives for innovation and access to medicines is the central policy challenge for pharmaceuticals. [read post]
2 Oct 2016, 12:11 pm by Dennis Crouch
The big news from Intellectual Ventures v. [read post]