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27 Mar 2024, 10:15 am by Eileen McDermott
It also argued claims 3–6 and 8–12 would have been obvious over Keitler, Briggs, and  ‘094 Rueb (Ground 2), and over Briggs, Bridges, and ‘094 Rueb (Ground 4). [read post]
27 Mar 2024, 10:15 am by Eileen McDermott
It also argued claims 3–6 and 8–12 would have been obvious over Keitler, Briggs, and  ‘094 Rueb (Ground 2), and over Briggs, Bridges, and ‘094 Rueb (Ground 4). [read post]
16 Dec 2008, 5:54 am
In the case of convicted pedophile Stephen Briggs, the justices agreed with Briggs' legal defenders that Utah's registry went too far when it included "target [read post]
27 Jan 2008, 11:50 am
Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law organizes on 4 February 2008 (17:00) a guest lecture to be given by Professor Adrian Briggs (University of Oxford, UK). [read post]
12 Dec 2010, 11:11 am by Chris Laughton
Briggs J clearly reached his decision with considerable misgivings, recognising its unfairness and injustice. [read post]
14 Oct 2018, 12:26 pm by John Floyd
The fact that Briggs’s attorney did not anticipate subsequent changes in the law does not impugn the truth or reliability of Briggs’s plea. [read post]
9 Sep 2021, 12:26 pm by Shawn Garrison
Charles divorce attorney Dylan Briggs discuss the potential role of a Guardian Ad Litem in a divorce case. [read post]
19 Jan 2011, 10:13 am
Briggs Stratton Plan (civil case) [uploaded: 01/19/2011] [read post]
10 Sep 2018, 2:00 pm by Legal Skills Prof
I suspect that many of our readers are familiar with this personality test, which tells test-takers into which of four personality types they fall. [read post]
16 Mar 2020, 1:27 pm by The Law Office of Philip D. Cave
Argument preview: Determining the statute of limitations for military rape — and possibly a lot more [read post]
12 Sep 2019, 9:07 am by Alexa Briggs
Later this year, Canadians will vote in the 43rd federal election. [read post]
26 Feb 2008, 2:56 am
Officials never filed charges of any kind.None of those details mattered.Two weeks later, the lottery summarily fired Briggs. [read post]
7 Mar 2009, 2:16 am
For those of you who are familiar with Myers Briggs personality test, (you missed out on understanding humanity if you don't), here's a prayer:ISTJ: Lord help me to relax about insignificant details beginning tomorrow at 11:41.23 am e.s.t.ISTP: God help me to consider people's feelings, even if most of them ARE hypersensitive.ESTP: God help me to take responsibility for my own actions, even though they're usually NOT my fault.ESTJ: God, help me to not try to RUN… [read post]
4 Aug 2008, 9:00 pm
., Briggs & Stratton, Deere & Co., Tecumseh Products Co., Briggs & Stratton Corp., Kawasaki Motors Corp. [read post]