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12 Jun 2020, 12:49 pm by Linda McClain
Since I had been researching the role of the rhetoric of bigotry in controversies over Brown v. [read post]
7 Feb 2012, 2:31 pm
It's not quite eleven-a-side, but the much-contested case of Football Association Premier League Ltd, NetMed Hellas SA, Multichoice Hellas SA, Union de Associations de Football, British Sky Broadcasting Limited, Setanta Sports SARL, Group Canal Plus SA and The Motion Picture Association v QC Leisure, David Richardson, AV Station plc, Malcolm Chamberlain, Michael Madden, Sanjay Raval, David Greenslade, SR Leisure Ltd, Philip George Charles Houghton and Derek Owen; The Secretary… [read post]
9 Jan 2015, 9:30 pm by Karen Tani
From the New York Review of Books: "'Selma' v. [read post]
24 Sep 2009, 5:09 am
Sept 16, 2009) (slip opinion), from Charles Beans over at Goodman McGuffey the other day.But that's not a drug or device case.No it isn't. [read post]
28 Sep 2009, 1:31 am
Sept 16, 2009) (sorry, no slip opinion), from Charles Beans over at Goodman McGuffey the other day. [read post]
28 Sep 2009, 1:31 am
Sept 16, 2009) (sorry, no slip opinion), from Charles Beans over at Goodman McGuffey the other day. [read post]
28 Sep 2009, 1:31 am
Sept 16, 2009) (sorry, no slip opinion), from Charles Beans over at Goodman McGuffey the other day. [read post]
25 Mar 2010, 7:16 pm by Michael Ginsborg
("The Odd Couple," 03/25/10 Campbell Brown Blog) Law professor Orin Kerr complains about the perceived absence of comparable profiles of Charles Cooper, attorney for the Prop. 8 proponents. [read post]
15 Nov 2021, 6:30 am by ernst
Their arguments (which anticipated those made in Brown v. [read post]
11 Sep 2017, 2:50 am by Walter Olson
Circuit Calls Out NLRB in Ruling on Union Access to Employer Property” [Minal Khan, Barnes & Thornburg, John Doran, Sherman & Howard (“epic benchslap”), on Janice Rogers Brown opinion in Fred Meyer Stores v. [read post]
31 Jan 2013, 7:50 am by Kali Borkoski
In this case, respondent Myriad Genetics holds a patent on two genes, mutations in which are correlated with a higher risk of breast or ovarian cancer, in their “isolated” state. [read post]
11 Jan 2017, 4:25 am by Edith Roberts
Dara Brown and Jaeeun Shin at Cornell’s Legal Information Institute also provide a preview. [read post]
9 Mar 2016, 1:49 pm by Cynthia Pittson
Senator Charles Grassley, from Judge Kelly’s home state of Iowa, praised her during her confirmation hearing in 2013 and urged his colleagues to confirm her. [read post]
10 May 2016, 2:49 pm by Peter (Pete) A. Steinmeyer
Brown, 433 S.W.3d 345 (Ky. 2014) (mere continued at-will employment does not constitute adequate consideration); Emp’t Staffing Grp., Inc. v. [read post]