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27 Dec 2019, 7:55 am
” This overbroad formulation is a far cry from the definition set forth by the Supreme Court in Davis v. [read post]
10 Dec 2019, 12:20 am
GuestKat Peter Ling reports on this interesting decision.Richard Vary provides a guest contribution, in which he looks into the recent decision of the United States Court of Appeals of the Federal Circuit, which overturned a decision issued in December 2017 by Judge Selna in the Central District of California, instead going to a jury trial.Trade MarksGuestKat Léon Dijkman looks at the recent Opinion of Advocate General Bobek in Primart… [read post]
4 Aug 2019, 1:26 pm by Bill Marler
By the evening, Rose stated that Mikayla “felt like she was on fire,” although she did not have a thermometer to measure her temperature due to the move. [read post]
29 Jul 2019, 7:34 pm by Richard Hunt
The applicable statute of limitations, borrowed from state law, was four years. [read post]
28 Jan 2019, 6:20 am
| The IP term (thus far) of the millennium: the curious story of the adoption of "patent troll" and "internet trolling" | No pain, no gain: Plausibility in Warner-Lambert v Actavis | Testing the boundaries of subjectivity: Infringement of Swiss-type claims in Warner-Lambert v Actavis | Is SPINNING generic? [read post]
9 Jan 2019, 12:51 pm by rstokes
The following are just a few examples from cases in the state of New York: Tobin v. [read post]
30 Dec 2018, 3:03 am by Ben
Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit in Folkens v Wyland. [read post]
4 Dec 2018, 9:16 am
Dos millones 300 mil jóvenes desempleados serán contratados para trabajar como aprendices en actividades productivas en el campo y la ciudad, y ganarán un sueldo de 3 mil 600 pesos mensuales. 18. [read post]
15 Aug 2018, 8:00 am by Ben
 The late playwright's son sued del Toro, the Fox Searchlight studio and others in February and Zindel v. [read post]
17 Jul 2018, 9:21 am
Second,  globalization has now changed the center of capitalist power from states to global enterprises that serve or perhaps even act through states; the reverse may alsio be true that capital now operates in states through large enterprises. [read post]
4 Jun 2018, 3:02 am
Last week IPKat was also delighted to host a guest post from Professor Lionel Bently (University of Cambridge) on the state of the debate around the proposed EU press publishers’ right: Sleepwalking towards a perpetual (news?) [read post]
20 May 2018, 2:13 pm
Book review: You Don’t Own Me: How Mattel v MGA Entertainment Exposed Barbie’s Dark SideThis book, written by Orly Lobel, describes the behind the scenes action of the dispute between Mattel and MGA Entertainment, i.e., Barbie v Bratz. [read post]