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22 Oct 2010, 12:35 pm by Laurie Lin
Congratulations to all the newlyweds.The Rest: Erin Reynolds and Daniel Kelsh (NYLS) Lisa Troyano and Patrick Ascolese (Western New England College School of Law) Jordana Horn and Jon Gordon (UPenn) Tony Maida and Anthony Volpe (BU) Rebecca Culley and Peter Lee (Cardozo) Laura DeRossi and Jack Sousa (2, Fordham) Courtney Burke and Matthew Maron (Cardozo) Kendra Perkins and Edwin Norwood III (Georgetown) Miriam Palmer-Sherman and David Vaisberg (Cardozo) Darren Rosenblum and Howard… [read post]
30 Mar 2020, 6:01 am by Bridget Crawford
Papers will be reviewed on a blind basis by a committee comprised of four members of the Haub Law faculty with expertise in this area: Bridget Crawford, Darren Rosenblum, Noa Ben-Asher and Emily Gold Waldman. [read post]
24 Mar 2015, 5:44 am by Kim Krawiec
: Aaron Dhir on Quotas What’s The Return On Equality: Kim Krawiec On The Business Case For Board Diversity What’s The Return On Equality: Lisa Fairfax on Board Diversity’s End Game What’s The Return On Equality: Darren Rosenblum On Quotas What’s The Return On Equality: Daria Rothmayr What’s The Return on Equality: Aaron Dhir On Disclosure What’s The Return On Equality: Taking Stock of Day 1 What’s The Return On Equality? [read post]
20 Aug 2024, 9:05 pm by renholding
Over the past couple of decades, we’ve witnessed enormous progress on LGBTQ+ issues. [read post]
12 Sep 2022, 9:05 pm by Darren Rosenblum
This post comes to us from Darren Rosenblum, a professor at McGill University School of Law; John Livingstone, a research fellow at Case Western Reserve University School of Law; and Anat Alon-Beck, an assistant professor at Case Western Reserve University School of Law. [read post]
9 Aug 2019, 6:16 am
Posted by Darren Rosenblum (Pace University), on Wednesday, August 7, 2019 Tags: Boards of Directors, California, Corporate Social Responsibility, Diversity, Europe, Incentives, International governance, Securities regulation, State law Diversified Portfolios Do Not Reduce Competition Posted by Barbara Novick, BlackRock, Inc., on Wednesday, August 7, 2019 Tags: Common ownership, Executive… [read post]
30 Sep 2019, 9:05 am by Bridget Crawford
The corporate law volume’s advisory panel is comprised of Alina Ball; Lisa Fairfax; Theresa Gabaldon; Joan MacLeod Heminway; Kristin Johnson; Elizabeth Pollman; Poonam Puri; Darren Rosenblum; Cindy Schipani; Kellye Testy; Cheryl Wade; and Cindy Williams. [read post]
12 Oct 2010, 10:09 am by Darren Rosenblum
-Darren Rosenblum (cross-post from the Huffington Post) [read post]
23 Mar 2015, 1:41 pm by Kim Krawiec
: Aaron Dhir on Quotas What’s The Return On Equality: Kim Krawiec On The Business Case For Board Diversity What’s The Return On Equality: Lisa Fairfax on Board Diversity’s End Game What’s The Return On Equality: Darren Rosenblum On Quotas What’s The Return On Equality: Daria Rothmayr What’s The Return on Equality: Aaron Dhir On Disclosure What’s The Return On Equality: Taking Stock of Day 1 [read post]
14 Jun 2019, 6:18 am
Posted by Yaron Nili (University of Wisconsin) and Darren Rosenblum (Pace University), on Monday, June 10, 2019 Tags: Board composition, Board tenure, Board turnover, Boards of Directors, Diversity, Institutional Investors, Term limits Climate Change Risk Oversight Framework for Directors Posted by Rakhi Kumar, State Street Global Advisors, on Monday, June 10, 2019 Tags: Board oversight, Boards of Directors, Climate… [read post]
24 Jun 2010, 8:02 am by Laura Appleman
Andrews) (Winter 2011); Andrea Lyon (DePaul) (Winter 2011); Christopher McCrudden (University of Oxford) (Fall 2010)  Michigan State: Phillip Pucillo (formerly Ave Maria) (2010-11)North Carolina:  Jarod Gonzalez  (Texas Tech) (Spring 2011)Notre Dame:  Peter Alexander (Southern Illinois) (Fall 2010); Roger Alford (Pepperdine) (Fall 2010);  Margaret Chon (Seattle) (Fall 2010); Tahirih Lee (Florida State) (Spring 2011); Avishalom Tor (Haifa University) (Fall… [read post]
21 Oct 2010, 5:00 am by Laura Appleman
Andrews) (Winter 2011); Andrea Lyon (DePaul) (Winter 2011); Christopher McCrudden (University of Oxford) (Fall 2010)  Michigan State: Phillip Pucillo (formerly Ave Maria) (2010-11) North Carolina:  Jarod Gonzalez  (Texas Tech) (Spring 2011) Notre Dame:  Peter Alexander (Southern Illinois) (Fall 2010); Roger Alford (Pepperdine) (Fall 2010);  Margaret Chon (Seattle) (Fall 2010); Tahirih Lee (Florida State) (Spring 2011); Avishalom Tor (Haifa University) (Fall 2010)… [read post]
6 Jan 2015, 6:46 pm by Bridget Crawford
The abundance of tweets at the AALS Annual Meeting (#AALS2015) made me sit up and take notice of how many more law professors there seem to be on Twitter now compared to 2012 when I last updated the Census of Law Professor Twitter users (see Version 1.0 here and Version 2.0 here). [read post]
6 Feb 2015, 6:00 am by Bridget Crawford
Below the fold is Version 3.1 of the census of law prof Twitter users. [read post]
23 Jan 2015, 4:44 am by Bridget Crawford
Below the fold is Version 3.0 of the census of law prof Twitter users. [read post]