Search for: "Debra A. McCurdy"
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30 Nov 2010, 1:10 pm
Here are just a few of them: Stepanie Kimbro's Virtual Law Practice blog Martha Sperry's Advocate's Studio Sabrina Pacifici's Denise Howell's Bag and Baggage and Lawgarithms Me--I blogged about tech at Firmex's blog Debra McCurdy's blog Health Industry Washington Watch Susan Brenner's blog Cyb3rcrim3 Out of the Jungle -- authored primarily by Betsey McKenzie There are plenty of well written, interesting law blogs written… [read post]
6 Mar 2008, 10:13 pm
Those who are interested in tracking the progress of this legislation should feel free to contact Debra McCurdy, Reed Smith's Health Law Policy Analyst. [read post]
1 Dec 2008, 4:14 pm
Law firm marketing and business development professionals have been politely getting after Kevin McKeown, our VP of Client Development, for an updated report on large law's use of blogs. [read post]