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4 Jan 2013, 8:21 am by Lindsay Griffiths
    The new year comes with minimum wage increases from McDonald Hopkins: McDonald Hopkins reviews the state minimum wage increases that come into effect in 2013. [read post]
5 Dec 2016, 2:30 am by Blog Editorial
He discusses the application of De Keyser principles and the controls imposed by Parliament on prerogative powers to ratify international treaties. 13.05: The hearing has adjourned for lunch and is expected to resume at 14:00. 12.58:  The next case referred to is R v Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs ex parte Rees-Mogg: James Eadie QC submits that the availability of the prerogative in relation to EU law depends on… [read post]
23 Mar 2012, 10:51 am by nflatow
He died suddenly on Thursday at Johns Hopkins University Hospital after a brief illness, The Root reports. [read post]