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24 Feb 2025, 1:48 pm by Amy Howe
“Don’t you want to know,” she asked Cole, “you’re convicting the right person for the right thing? [read post]
2 May 2008, 12:07 pm
His release comes as the legal system is re-examining the use of capital punishment in... [read post]
18 Dec 2007, 4:01 pm
Nobody thinks if you're sitting on death row or in prison that you're innocent. [read post]
5 Feb 2008, 4:00 pm
From the P-I:New trial begins for Idaho man after two decades on death rowThe evidence against former death row inmate Mark Henry Lankford is overwhelming, and he will be convicted again, Idaho County Prosecutor Kirk MacGregor predicted in an opening statement Monday in Lankford's retrial.But defense attorney Charles Kovis said his client was convicted because of false testimony provided by his accomplice and brother, Bryan. [read post]
10 Apr 2024, 3:00 am by Yosi Yahoudai
For that reason, it’s possible “we’re not feeling the full brunt of what we’ve overloaded the atmosphere with primarily by burning fossil fuels,” she said. [read post]
16 Feb 2012, 12:41 pm by Steve Hall
"In Florida, we've had more than 23 people exonerated off our death row," he said. [read post]
14 Dec 2021, 10:01 am by Staci Zaretsky
They're making it rain on associates for the fourth year in a row. [read post]
17 Jan 2018, 2:37 pm by Amy Howe
And you’re walking right into jail when you start telling your lawyer how to run this case. [read post]
2 May 2008, 8:18 am
The latest release comes as the legal system is re-examining the use of capital punishment in North Carolina. [read post]
8 Jan 2015, 8:02 am by James
They’re concerned with whether or not any laws were broken. [read post]
16 Jun 2009, 12:20 pm
It's engrained early on that attorneys (and judges) are to err on the side of caution - we're not to give even a suggestion that anything inappropriate is taking place. [read post]
1 Sep 2011, 6:00 am by Steven
ALT – “And no, we’re not talking about the guy who sits in the front row of Federal Jurisdiction and always has his hand in the air. [read post]
16 Jun 2010, 1:05 pm by John Culhane
Obviously, they’re using some kind of voice-activated transcription service, which is how you get {HET} row sex walls for (I’m assuming) “heterosexuals. [read post]
15 Nov 2008, 9:59 am
TDCJ's statewide lockdown searching for cell phones has met with some success, but now that it's mostly over and new procedures are in place, they're still finding contraband, most recently again on death row, the Houston Chronicle reports, where "Prison staff conducting a shakedown of the row Friday found a cell phone secreted in the rectum of convicted murderer Henry Skinner at the Polunsky Unit in Livingston" using the X-ray machine in the… [read post]
7 Sep 2016, 5:44 am by Adam Steinman
Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit issued its decision in In re: Missouri Department of Corrections. [read post]
20 Apr 2011, 7:06 am by Scott Wolfe Jr
” The tag line: Mike Rowe Is No Expert, But He Knows Where To Find Them. [read post]