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26 Dec 2020, 6:38 pm by Howard Bashman
“Flight of the Barr Bros: They’re young, white, male, and ready to cash in on their work for Trump’s Justice Department. [read post]
22 Jul 2010, 12:11 am
During my 15 years of practice I've met with my fair share of young widows or widowers or the parents of a child who died unexpectedly, and in all cases but one there wasn't any estate planning done. [read post]
25 Oct 2010, 8:04 am by Walter Olson
A sample: they’re hyping still photos of Young with his eyes closed on the bench, supposedly “sleeping,” when videotape context from moments before and after reveals the Justice to be simply blinking or glancing down. [read post]
8 Nov 2008, 8:11 am
  You're just a cog in the wheels of justice, and the wheels don't spin unless all the cogs are working together.It's a great lesson, and a great story. [read post]
20 Apr 2022, 4:00 pm by Mike LaChance
“Student loans were never meant to be a life sentence, but it’s certainly felt that way for borrowers locked out of debt relief they’re eligible for” The post Biden Forgiving More Student Loan Debt a Week After Polls Showed Young Voters Deserting Him first appeared on Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion. [read post]
5 Mar 2018, 3:10 pm by Nursing Home Law Center Staff
Continue reading → The post Keyboarding For The Young and Elderly appeared first on Nursing Home Law News. [read post]
10 Jul 2009, 6:23 am
Per Eugene Volokh, "If you're a young law professor with Federalist Society sympathies, you should definitely apply".... [read post]
12 Jun 2014, 2:41 am by UntappedUK
As a result some have argued that young home buyers are resorting to 'desperate measures' so that they are able to jump on the property ladder. [read post]
28 Mar 2010, 4:39 pm by jennis8
” That same week my professor explained, "If you're a young lawyer, you take less risk. [read post]
6 May 2011, 4:00 am
For you young whippersnappers that have no idea what you're looking at, you used to have to use these to find peeps, back in the days when most of us had landlines: If you were the lowly legal staffer on the totem pole, you were also in charge of recycling the old ones - from all over the office. [read post]
26 Dec 2011, 2:18 am
Make sure you know where your children are, who they're with and what they're doing at all times. [read post]
4 Sep 2010, 12:35 am by Money Maven
Now it appears that young, single females are actually pulling in bigger paychecks than their male counterparts. [read post]
16 Sep 2007, 8:35 pm
Not surprisingly, the class action on behalf of young boys who worked as camel race jockeys in the Middle East was just re-filed in Kentucky federal court. [read post]