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19 Apr 2009, 5:48 pm
Jay Wexler (Boston University School of Law) has posted “Justice Ginsburg’s Footnotes” on SSRN, see here. [read post]
5 Nov 2007, 12:08 pm
[From an article entitled Laugh Track by Jay D. [read post]
20 Oct 2010, 3:33 pm by David Lat
[Cornell Law School]* Law professor Jay Wexler is willing to offer Christine O’Donnell some help on separation of church and state. [read post]
18 Mar 2007, 11:25 pm
Wexler, The Endorsement Court, 21 Washington University Journal of Law & Policy 263-306 (2006). [read post]
21 Feb 2012, 9:23 pm by Walter Olson
” [WSJ Law Blog] Constitutional law book review: Jay Wexler, “The Odd Clauses” [Greenfield, Lowering the Bar] Tags: Australia, chiropractors, constitutional law, fair housing, housing discrimination, litigation finance, Title IX Related posts September 6 roundup (0) July 2002 archives, part 2 (0) Suing Craigslist — with your money (0) Racially “targeting” predatory subprime loans? [read post]
31 Dec 2012, 7:10 pm by Dan Markel
I'm thrilled to announce the return of Jay Wexler from BU and Michael Steven Green from William and Mary Law; and I'm also excited to welcome for the first time to this space two new voices: Derek Muller from Pepperdine and Ann Marie Marciarille from UMKC. [read post]
19 May 2009, 9:24 am
  I don't really know what it means to "tag" a book, but I was a little taken aback by the following "tag suggestions" offered by the nice folks at the Amazon corporation (reported here verbatim): crappy, humorous, foreign relations, murder, suspense, educational, jay wexler, sex, oh john ringo no What to make of this, I have no idea? [read post]
1 Dec 2009, 5:00 am
Additionally, I'm excited to welcome back to Prawfs: Jonah Gelbach (Arizona; econ), and Jay Wexler (BU;law and kibitzing). [read post]
5 Jun 2016, 4:06 pm
Franze's choices.Margaret Truman, Murder in the Supreme Court (1982).John Grisham, The Pelican Brief (1982).Brad Meltzer, The Tenth Justice (1997).Paul Levine, Nine Scorpions (1998).Christopher Buckley, Supreme Courtship (2008).Phillip Margolin, Supreme Justice (2010).Max Allan Collins, Supreme Justice (2014).David Lat, Supreme Ambitions (2014).Kermit Roosevelt, Allegiance (2015).Jay Wexler, Tuttle in the Balance (2015).What are your selections? [read post]
24 Dec 2015, 12:10 am by Kevin
Tuttle in the Balance, by Jay Wexler Jay is a law professor who has written for publications like Spy Magazine and McSweeney’s, and is a very funny guy. [read post]
16 Jul 2018, 3:25 am by Scott Bomboy
In a 2006 University of Pennsylvania Law Review article, Natalie Wexler recounted the dilemma faced by Washington and his aides. [read post]
18 Apr 2016, 1:47 pm by tjsllibrary
Here are 10 notables: Murder in the Supreme Court by Margaret Truman The Tenth Justice by Brad Meltzer Nine Scorpions in a Bottle by Max Lerner Supreme Courtship by Christopher Buckley The Pelican Brief by John Grisham Supreme Justice by Phillip Margolin Supreme Justice by Max Allan Collins Supreme Ambitions by David Lat Allegiance by Kermit Roosevelt Tuttle in the Balance by Jay Wexler Murder in the Supreme Court, The Tenth Justice, Nine Scorpions in a Bottle, and Supreme… [read post]
20 Aug 2012, 6:20 am by Marissa Miller
In a humorous piece for Salon, Jay Wexler describes his experience as a law clerk for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. [read post]
13 Feb 2012, 12:53 pm by Kevin
If you want to read an interesting and highly entertaining book about constitutional law, and who doesn't, you should immediately buy The Odd Clauses, the latest book by Boston University law professor Jay Wexler. [read post]
10 Nov 2014, 7:27 am by The Law Office of Philip D. Cave
See Jay Wexler, The Odd Clauses: Understanding the Constitution through Ten of Its Most Curious Provisions, (2012). [read post]
21 Mar 2017, 2:04 pm by Molly Runkle
News, Ilya Shapiro for the Washington Examiner, Jay Wexler for McSweeney’s, Erwin Chemerinsky for NY Daily News, Jed Handelsman Shugerman for Slate, as well as Mark Joseph Stern, who has a separate post here, Christina Cauterucci, and Dahlia Lithwick. [read post]
17 Jan 2011, 9:06 am by David Oscar Markus
In 2005, Boston University law professor Jay Wexler counted the number of times "[Laughter]" was noted in the court's transcripts, attributed the funny to whichever justice's comments preceded it, and declared Scalia the court's funniest justice. [read post]