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27 Dec 2013, 11:00 am by Marsha Tesar
“My husband and I own a law firm, and part of the appeal of our law firm is us,” said Kelly Phillips Erb, a lawyer outside Philadelphia who has blogged on the tax matters related to the Jackson estate. [read post]
21 Dec 2009, 5:34 pm by Law Office of Ava George Stewart, P.C.
. -- Kelly Phillips Erb is a founding shareholder of The Erb Law Firm, PC, in Philadelphia, PA, where she focuses on tax law for businesses and families. [read post]
30 Nov 2012, 3:36 pm by Ellen
Philadelphian Kelly Phillips Erb blogs about taxes for Forbes, and it’s not just a personal finance blog; she also reports on political wrangling over tax legislation and tax-related news from the media. [read post]
5 Apr 2012, 5:30 am by J. Benjamin Stevens
Source: “Divorce and Taxes: Five Things You Need to Know,” by Kelly Phillips Erb, published at [read post]
4 Oct 2010, 11:57 pm by Jim Walker
According to "Avvo's Top Legal Blogs," which uses the Alexa ranking system, here are the 7 most popular law blogs operated by practicing lawyers, based on U.S. traffic (the lower the number, the higher the ranking): 26,700 - IPWatchdog by Gene Quinn (patent lawyer);  38,100  - Cruise Law News by me; 44,903 - Simple Justice by Scott Greenfield (criminal defense);  59,782 - Mortgage Fraud Blog by Rachel Dollar (bank / transactional litigation);… [read post]
10 Dec 2011, 6:16 am by Kelly Phillips Erb
The ABA said, about my blog: Kelly Phillips Erb has a passion for tax law that is infectious, but more importantly she has the ability to explain that which so many fear. [read post]
31 Oct 2021, 5:01 am by Unknown
Two years ago, Kelly Phillips Erb addressed the tax consequences of Halloween candy buy back transactions. [read post]
20 Jul 2009, 1:32 pm
Kelly Phillips-Erb, the Tax Girl, was one of the first bloggers to write about the surtax nonsense: When the dust settles, upper class taxpayers or no, the plan calls for raising taxes. [read post]
14 Sep 2011, 10:00 am by DGVE law
See this post on by Kelly Phillips Erb, a Philadelphia tax lawyer on this that made me laugh with empathy.) [read post]
22 Mar 2012, 3:00 pm by Patti Spencer
Kelly Phillips Erb a/k/a Tax Girl drolly described this recent Tax Court case on her blog for Forbes. [read post]
16 Nov 2008, 5:16 pm
Tax Girl, Kelly Phillips Erb, jumps on the bandwagon and says, Hmm, I wonder if [AIG will] return some of that bailout money if they win? [read post]
28 Apr 2023, 7:00 am by Gene Takagi
#Philanthropy #Grantmaking The Project Grant Rule Hub For Purpose Law Group: New Treasure Trove of EO Guidance Kelly Phillips Erb: Your tax-exempt org may have a filing deadline coming up! [read post]
23 Feb 2022, 4:00 pm by Bright!Tax Team
”– Kelly Phillips Erb, Forbes How does the Bona Fide Residence Test Work? [read post]
14 Sep 2011, 10:20 pm by Hani Sarji
Kelly Phillips Erb ( contributor) notes that the 2010 repeal of the federal estate tax has “turned into one of the biggest administrative nightmares that tax practitioners have seen in awhile. [read post]
16 Jun 2023, 7:00 am by Gene Takagi
For Purpose Law Group: Trending: Nonprofits Tossing Out Unsavory Names Kelly Phillips Erb: Shortly after the announcement that the PGA Tour and the Saudi-backed LIV Golf would merge, Rep. [read post]
13 Mar 2009, 9:10 am
Kelly Phillips-Erb, The Tax Girl Ask the Tax Girl: Mortgage Forgiveness  - Another excellent post in the “Ask the Tax Girl” series: Here’s the question: I have a 1099-c from a short sale on my house, I was hoping to be granted an exemption because of the Mortgage Forgiveness act of 2007. [read post]
3 May 2012, 11:28 pm by Tyson Snow
Panel Discussion Moderated by Matt Homann: Mischelle Davis (@MischelleDavis), Kelly Phillips Erb (@taxgirl), Tyson B. [read post]
14 Jun 2009, 5:46 pm
@taxgirl: Tax Lawyer Kelly Phillips Erb tweets very witty comments about the day in the life of a working mom. [read post]
1 Dec 2010, 5:42 am by NBlack
Kelly Phillips Erb (@taxgirl) suggested (on Facebook) that another causative factor could be that male bloggers were better at promoting themselves. [read post]
23 Feb 2012, 7:34 am by Kiran Bhat
Holder for this blog, while Kelly Phillips Erb does the same at Forbes. [read post]