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2 Feb 2010, 11:25 am
Zaphod had quite low ethical standards when he served as President of the Galaxy, so I think the Manpower blog would've been quite busy analyzing just one day in his life, especially if it were the day that Zaphod stole the Heart of Gold… 8 - The Big Sky Blog looks at the rights of one parent to move within the same state after being divorced. [read post]
2 Feb 2010, 11:25 am
Zaphod had quite low ethical standards when he served as President of the Galaxy, so I think the Manpower blog would've been quite busy analyzing just one day in his life, especially if it were the day that Zaphod stole the Heart of Gold… 8 - The Big Sky Blog looks at the rights of one parent to move within the same state after being divorced. [read post]