Search for: "Mackie v. Mackie" Results 61 - 67 of 67
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28 Jul 2017, 8:03 am by Wolfgang Demino
Ownership disputes aside, the parties agree to the following sequence of events: May 11, 2009: Crum defaulted on his loan and law firm Mackie Wolf Zientz & Mann, P.C. [read post]
8 Aug 2013, 1:41 pm by Rebecca Tushnet
Consider this photo of a mosaic:  (sculpture by Jack Mackie, photo by Mike Hipple) Why doesn’t that change the meaning of the mosaic through the addition of the human following the steps and the framing choices that create a particular experience of the mosaic? [read post]
26 Sep 2012, 5:39 am by Rob Robinson (Michael Schmidt) Proper Wildcard Searching: Why You Should Give a Dam* – (Doug Austin) Radically Reinvent The Review Process - (George Kiersted) Rambus ‘Shred Days’ Ruled Spoliation, $397M Judgment Reduced - (Jan Wolfe) Reasonable Particularity And Social Network eDiscovery - (IT-Lex) State Judge Imposes $300K Sanction On… [read post]
11 Aug 2023, 6:05 am by Santiago Stocker
Earlier in the summer, protests swept Senegal as President Macky Sall sought an unconstitutional third term and jailed the main opposition candidate on dubious charges. [read post]
13 Mar 2019, 6:16 am by Kevin Kaufman
Key Findings The cost basis of property transferred at death receives a “step-up” in basis to its fair market value. [read post]