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27 Mar 2017, 4:18 am by Edith Roberts
At Education Week, Mark Walsh reports on the court’s decision on Wednesday in Star Athletica, LLC v. [read post]
10 May 2010, 6:11 am by Tim Zinnecker
Thomas [FL]) (Fall 2010); Eloisa Rodriguez-Dod (Nova Southeastern) (Spring 2010)Florida State:  Susan Bandes (DePaul) (Fall 2010); Elizabeth Burleson (South Dakota) (Fall 2010); Neil Cohen (Tennessee) (Spring 2011); Gary Lucas (Texas Wesleyan) (Spring 2011); Deana Pollard Sacks (Texas Southern) (Fall 2010)Fordham: Aditi Bagchi (Penn) (2010-11); James Brudney (Ohio State) (Fall 2010); Nestor Davidson (Colorado) (Fall 2010); Joshua Dressler (Ohio State) (Spring 2011); Brian Fitzpatrick… [read post]
9 Nov 2011, 9:37 am by Conor McEvily
At PrawfsBlawg, Mark Kende discusses Justice Breyer’s “democratic pragmatis[m]. [read post]
21 Oct 2010, 5:00 am by Laura Appleman
Weiler (NYU) (Fall 2010); Connecticut: Donna Coker (Miami) (Spring 2011); Sudha Setty (Western New England)(Spring 2011);  Mark Weiner (Rutgers-Newark) (Spring 2011); Ruqaiijah Yearby (Buffalo)(Spring 2011) Cornell:  Neil Buchanan (George Washington) (Fall 2010) Denver:  Leonard Rotman (University of Windsor) (2010-11) Drake:  Jennifer Bard (Texas Tech) (2010-11); Miguel Schor (Suffolk) (2010-11) Drexel:  Carl Bogus (Roger Williams) (2010-11); Jeremy Telman… [read post]
16 Nov 2011, 6:21 am by Conor McEvily
Mark Kende at PrawfsBlawg addresses Chief Justice Roberts’s opinion in Parents Involved in Community Schools v. [read post]
19 Jul 2020, 4:12 pm by INFORRM
Social Media, the First Amendment, and Democratic Dysfunction in the Trump Era, 68 Drake Law Review 273 (2020), Mark Kende, Drake University Law School Next Week in the Courts The trial in the case of Depp v News Group Newspapers will continue before Nicol J on Monday 20 July 2020 and is now expected to take another two weeks. [read post]