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26 Nov 2007, 12:29 pm
Thomas); Lisa Pruitt (UC-Davis); Nancy Reichman (Denver, Sociology Dept.); Leticia Saucedo (UNLV); Vicki Schultz (Yale); Michael Selmi (GW); Brenda Smith (American); Peggie Smith (Iowa); Laura Spitz (Colorado); Susan Sturm (Columbia); Tracy Thomas (Akron); Rose Villazor (SMU); Joan Vogel (Vermont); Sidney Watson (St. [read post]
11 Mar 2008, 12:29 pm
Michael Kang argues that majority-minority districts have this important side benefit in the political sphere. [read post]
29 Mar 2009, 1:55 pm
Fried was the violinist, Institute student Michael Nicolas the cellist, and Helen Huang the pianist. [read post]
12 Aug 2013, 7:40 am
“Twitter joins Washington’s influence economy, forms PAC” by Cecilia Kang in The Washington Post. [read post]
18 Jun 2007, 2:28 am
Michael Kang and I are writing a paper proposing "A Procedural Solution to Partisan Gerrymandering. [read post]
28 Jun 2024, 4:40 am
Michael Lee Evans of Texas was allowed to return to the U.S. for medical reasons while he is out on bail. [read post]
15 Oct 2019, 4:57 am
— Michael Rappaport (@MichaelRapp) October 14, 2019 One can fairly argue that both teams are playing the same game, of packing the court with justices in whom they repose trust to rule the way they would prefer. [read post]
18 Jun 2024, 9:05 pm
FEC, 558 U.S. 310 (2010). [6] See Michael R. [read post]
4 May 2009, 7:19 am
Rev. 1489, 1494 n. 21 (2005). 2 Michael C. [read post]
18 May 2018, 3:56 am
Michael A. [read post]
3 Nov 2023, 1:50 pm
Kang and Joanna M. [read post]
7 Jun 2019, 3:00 am
Tech Giants Amass a Lobbying Army for an Epic Washington Battle New York Times – Cecilia Kang and Kenneth Vogel | Published: 6/5/2019 Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google have built themselves into some of the largest players on K Street as they confront threats from the Trump administration and both parties on Capitol Hill. [read post]
7 Mar 2015, 10:05 am
This Friday I attended a workshop at Yale Law School on Sam Issacharoff's forthcoming book, Fragile Democracies: Constitutional Courts in the Breach, organized by my colleague Heather Gerken, Guy Charles of Duke and Michael Kang of Emory. [read post]
15 Jun 2007, 6:15 am
Several of my recent pieces (here, here, here, and here) are devoted to these questions, and I think that a few articles by scholars like Chris Elmendorf, Michael Kang, and Dan Tokaji could fairly be grouped under this rubric. [read post]
31 Mar 2017, 4:38 am
” At Modern Democracy, Michael Parsons discusses the court’s decision earlier this term in Bethune-Hill v. [read post]
21 Jun 2007, 2:03 am
Consider, for instance, Michael Kang's and my proposal that courts adopt a "Procedural Solution to Partisan Gerrymandering. [read post]
4 Nov 2014, 4:10 am
Little did they know that after Citizens United, outsiders would be fully capable of promoting their cause without being subject to the canons, putting out attack ads to explain how they would never rule in favor of a child molester, or, as reflected in a report by Emory profs Joanna Shepherd and Michael Kang: the more campaign ads run in state judicial elections, the tougher these judges get on crime. [read post]
29 Jul 2024, 4:42 am
Dake Kang reports for AP News. [read post]
15 Oct 2021, 6:18 am
Securities and Exchange Commission, on Wednesday, October 13, 2021 Tags: Disclosure, Private equity, Private firms, Public firms, SEC, Securities regulation Ninth Circuit on Strict Liability for Direct Listings Posted by Boris Feldman, Sarah Solum and Doru Gavril, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP, on Thursday, October 14, 2021 Tags: Capital formation, Direct listings, Liability standards, Registration exemptions, Section… [read post]
26 Mar 2008, 11:54 pm
": Sylvia Kang'ara, U. [read post]