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17 Jul 2011, 8:25 pm by Buce
Reviewing Richard White's new book about the history of the railroads, Michael Kazin longs for an Edenic yesterday before Hayek and Schumpeter and the equivocal blessings of creative destruction: At the end of his powerful book, ... [read post]
2 May 2017, 12:58 pm by Associated Press
The plea from Michael Slager, 35, came five months after a jury deadlocked on state murder ... [read post]
28 Sep 2010, 9:42 pm by Lawrence Solum
White, ed., Oxford University Press, Forthcoming) on SSRN. [read post]
2 Mar 2012, 8:17 am by David Oscar Markus
Lots of "white collar" criminal defense lawyers and prosecutors were in town this week at the Eden Roc for the big ABA White Collar Conference. [read post]
15 Jan 2011, 1:14 pm by Tim Zinnecker
The Deseret News recently printed this story on former law professor and former federal appellate judge Michael McConnell (now directing Stanford's Constitutional Law Center), including a few paragraphs devoted to McConnell's first encounter with a certain law review editor who would one day occupy the White House. [read post]
19 Oct 2007, 8:20 am
[JURIST] White House Deputy Press Secretary Tony Fratto attempted Friday to deflect widespread criticism of US Attorney General-nominee Michael Mukasey's refusal to say whether he considers waterboarding [ABC report] a form of torture during his Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing on Thursday [JURIST report]. [read post]
23 Jul 2014, 7:32 am by Jeff Foust
On Tuesday, the White House hosted a private event with the two surviving members of the Apollo 11 crew, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins, along with Neil Armstrong’s widow, Carol, and NASA administrator Charles Bolden. [read post]
1 Dec 2009, 10:07 am by Ronald V. Miller, Jr.
The Maryland Daily Record reports that alleged White House party-crashers Tareq and Michaele Salahi are being represented by Baltimore lawyer Paul W. [read post]
7 Jun 2016, 2:26 pm by William Weinberg
“OPERATION SPINAL CAP” Many people think of crimes as acts of violence that causes harm to others, but there is probably just as much harm done by white-collar criminals—and sometimes these criminals are even wearing a white coat. [read post]
7 Jun 2016, 2:26 pm by William Weinberg
“OPERATION SPINAL CAP” Many people think of crimes as acts of violence that causes harm to others, but there is probably just as much harm done by white-collar criminals—and sometimes these criminals are even wearing a white coat. [read post]
22 Jun 2007, 8:20 am
"White House, Congress clashes could get bumpy": Michael Doyle of McClatchy Newspapers has an article that begins, "President Bush and the Democratic-led Congress are on a collision course over White House secrets, a sensitive conflict that's as old as the country itself. [read post]
9 May 2011, 9:46 am by Michael Totten
INDEED: Michael Young to the Obama White House: “The last thing [Syria’s Bashar al-Assad] will ever do if he manages to repress his own people is undermine this by negotiating with Israel. [read post]
3 Feb 2009, 6:03 pm
I trust the lawyers on board Michael's team wear white shirts and rep ties and saw a courtroom last when they were sworn in to the Bar, so allow me to offer some advice: When you are presented with a photo of your client possibly committing a crime, you and your client, say nothing.Now I know the first thought was "how do we protect Michael's endorsements and his boy scout image? [read post]
13 Feb 2007, 1:02 pm
Over at Balkinization, Marty Lederman has a very interesting post on a passage in Jan Crawford Greenberg's excellent book on why the White House passed over Judge Michael... [read post]