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30 Aug 2018, 12:45 pm
On the meantime, watch this ICE video from Michelle Wolf. [read post]
1 Jun 2007, 8:37 am
Green, Grisha, Ford Harding, Sharon Hayes, Hermes, Joseph Heyison, Howie, Irene, Jake, Jennifer, Jim, Katherine, Anthony Katselas, Kiki, Cary King, David Kirk, Karma Kitaj, Pamela Koons, Greg Krauska, Thomas L., Lynette, MG, Bruce MacEwen, Susan Martin, Peter Marx, Matt Mason, Maxim, Billy Mayers, Erik Mazzone, Francine McKenna, Michelle, David Miles, Matt Moore, Karen Morath, Kate Morrison, Evden Eve Nakliyat, Nancy, Michael Netzley, Norah, Mitch Owen, Sameer Panchangam, Patmcgraw, Johnson… [read post]
20 Mar 2008, 4:32 am
Simon. [read post]
11 Jul 2010, 12:54 pm
David Canton, David Bilinsky, Simon Fodden, Michel-Adrien Sheppard and I all commented on the standoff previously here on Slaw. [read post]
2 Nov 2010, 9:21 pm
Simon’s recent post, “Notes for the Day After: Who Is Fred Upton? [read post]
3 May 2013, 8:32 am
Don Simon, Assistant Law Librarian For Operations & Planning, studies Abraham Lincoln’s draft of the Emancipation Proclamation. [read post]
3 Dec 2010, 6:59 pm
Several new articles on eDiscovery / eDisclosure and technological innovation, forthcoming in Artificial Intelligence and Law, have been posted on the journal’s Website: Caroline Privault, Jacki O’Neill, Victor Ciriza and Jean-Michel Renders, A new tangible user interface for machine learning document review; Simon Attfield and Ann Blandford, Discovery-led refinement in e-discovery investigations: sensemaking, cognitive ergonomics and system design; Douglas W. [read post]
23 Jan 2020, 4:00 am
When the late Simon Fodden (RIP) asked me to write a column for Slaw, “Canada’s online legal magazine,” I welcomed the opportunity. [read post]
24 May 2019, 11:30 am
Muhlaysia Booker, Claire Legato, and Michelle Simone are Black trans women who have been murdered in the past week. [read post]
20 Mar 2016, 12:30 am
"Also from The Washington Post is a review by Michelle Alexander of Incarceration Nations: A Journey to Justice in Prisons Around the World by Baz Dreisinger (Other).And, from The New York Times comes another double review, including Imbeciles: The Supreme Court, American Eugenics and the Sterilization of Carrie Buck by Adam Cohen (Penguin), and Illiberal Reformers: Race, Eugenics and American Economics in the Progressive Era by Thomas C. [read post]
13 May 2022, 9:24 pm
., the co-chairs of the ASIL Dispute Resolution Interest Group (DRIG) Simon Batifort and Rémy Gerbay announced the creation of the ASIL DRIG “Prize for Best Article in International Dispute Resolution. [read post]
8 Nov 2023, 1:13 pm
Simon (D) 14th District: Vivian Watts (D) 18th District: Kathy Tran (D) 20th District: Michelle Lopes Malonado (D) 29th District: Fernando “Marty” Martinez (D) 38th District: Sam Rasoul (D) 58th District: Rodney Willett (D) 61st District: Michael Webert (R) 65th District: Joshua Cole (D) 70th District: Shelly Simonds (D) 78th District: Betsy Carr (D) 84th District: Nadarius Clark (D) State Senate 7th District: Bill Stanley (R) 11th District: R. [read post]
15 Jul 2016, 9:30 pm
Greenhouse about The Burger Court and the Rise of the Judicial Right (Simon & Schuster, 2016) on SCOTUSblog. [read post]
4 Dec 2013, 5:30 pm
– Oakland attorney Michele Simon on Food Safety News For more of the best, check out LXBN, a complete review of the top insight and commentary across the LexBlog Network. [read post]
22 Sep 2010, 2:16 pm
Michel de Blust, ECTAA-GEBTA, Secretary General. [read post]
26 Jun 2011, 2:59 am
Michele Simon will contribute periodic policy pieces for Food Safety News. [read post]
2 May 2011, 2:59 am
"If marketing a product that combines caffeine and alcohol is illegally deceptive, then promoting a drink as a mixer is equally deceptive," said Michele Simon, research and policy director at the Marin Institute, an alcohol industry watchdog.In Simon's view, "A company that is promoting a highly caffeinated drink to be mixed with alcohol is certainly engaged in unethical business practices and deceptive illegal business practices,"… [read post]
20 Oct 2022, 7:24 pm
The push towards “big” explains Penguin Random House’s play to absorb Simon & Schuster. [read post]
12 Sep 2011, 10:25 am
Queen’s University Simon Deakin (Cambridge Law) presents “The Corporation as Commons.” This paper is not publicly available. [read post]
30 May 2018, 5:33 am
Campaign Finance National: “Federal Election Commission Can’t Decide If Russian Interference Violated Law” by Peter Overby for WAMU National: “Invitations Offer Wealthy Chinese Access to President Trump at Fundraiser” by Michelle Ye Hee Lee, Anu Narayanswamy, Emily Rauhala, and Simon Denyer (Washington Post) for San Antonio Express-News California: “Chairwoman of California’s State Campaign Watchdog Agency Resigns Amid Power Struggle”… [read post]